Optimization of Extraction Technology of Effective Components from DAPHNES CORTEX by Orthogonal Test

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackyong63
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[Objective] To optimize the extraction technology of effective components from DAPHNES CORTEX by orthogonal test. [Method] The effects of ethanol concentration, ethanol dosage, refluxing time and refluxing times on the extraction of daphnetin, total coumarins and total flavonoids were investigated by orthogonal test with multi-index comprehensive evaluation. Data processing was carried out with the multiple guidelines grading method. [Result] The optimal extraction technology of effective components was that DAPHNES CORTEX was refluxed twice with 70% ethanol at the solid-liquid ratio of 1∶ 8 (g/mL), 2 h each time. [Conclusion] Because of well-designed design, this technology could extract effective components from DAPHNES CORTEX with reliable results and satisfied effects. [Objective] To optimize the extraction technology of effective components from DAPHNES CORTEX by orthogonal test. [Method] The effects of ethanol concentration, ethanol dosage, refluxing time and refluxing times on the extraction of daphnetin, total coumarins and total flavonoids were investigated by orthogonal test with multi-index comprehensive evaluation. [Result] The optimal extraction technology of effective components was that DAPHNES CORTEX was refluxed twice with 70% ethanol at the solid-liquid ratio of 1: 8 (g / mL), 2 h each time. [Conclusion] Because of well-designed design, this technology could extract effective components from DAPHNES CORTEX with reliable results and satisfied effects.
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