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《国民经济统计概论自学考试大纲》明确规定了国民经济统计概论是经济管理类各专业基础科(专科)一门共同必修课,是经济管理工作者和研究人员必须掌握的认识工具。为了帮助广大考生能在本课程的自学中加深对《国民经济统计概论》教材基本理论的理解和基本方法的掌握,从而提高考生在考试时的综合解题能力,现对《国民经济统计概论》课程的框架、各章重点和难点的提示以及如何学好本课程等三部分,阐述如下。一、课程的框架 (一)全课程的总框架《国民经济统计概论》课程设置的目的在于,通过学习,使考生能系统掌握社会经济统计学的一般原理和方法,系统掌握国民经济统计核算和分析的基本理论和基本方法,并能正确运用上述理论和方法对国民经济活动进行统计分析,为国民经济的宏观调控提供 The Outline of Self-study Examination of National Economic Statistics clearly stipulates that the introduction of statistics for national economy is a compulsory course for basic courses (specialist) of various major in economics and management, and is an understanding tool that economic management workers and researchers must master. In order to help the majority of candidates to deepen their understanding of the basic theory of “Introduction to Statistics of the National Economy” and the mastery of basic methods in self-study of this course so as to enhance the examinee’s ability to comprehensively solve problems during the examination, the “Introduction to Statistics of National Economy” The framework of the course, the tips of each chapter’s key and difficult points, and how to learn this course are described in the following three parts. First, the framework of the curriculum (a) the overall framework of the whole curriculum The introduction of “Introduction to National Economic Statistics” The purpose of the course is to enable candidates to systematically grasp the general principles and methods of socio-economic statistics through the study, systematically master the national economic statistics and Analysis of the basic theory and basic methods, and can correctly use the above theories and methods for statistical analysis of national economic activities for the macro-control of the national economy to provide
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