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谈古论今花既有可食性及入药性,同时还有美化环境的功能。人类在从游牧时代进入农业时代定居以后,常将野花中有用的花引种到田园,既可食用又美化了环境。大概人类从许多花的颜色和悦人的香气中,体会到了花儿的美的属性。古代著名诗歌集《诗经》中有许多种花的记述,最有名的是桃花,如“桃之夭夭,灼灼其华”。东汉时人们已知道花可以盆栽。据河北望都一汉墓中有盆栽壁画的事实,即证明当时盆栽花卉恐已相当普及了,为花已进入人类精神世界的有力证明。隋时,有隋炀帝观赏琼花的故事。唐时,牡丹花因花大色艳的关系成为人们心目中的花王,“唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城。”说明当时群众赏牡丹的盛事是空前的。宋时,赏花在民间大大发展,当时洛阳牡丹兴旺,欧阳修著《洛阳牡丹谱》、刘 Talk about this ancient flower both edible and medicinal, but also beautify the environment function. After settling in the agricultural era from nomadic times, human beings often introduce the useful flowers in the wild flowers to the fields, which can both eat and beautify the environment. Probably human from the color of many flowers and pleasant aroma, appreciate the beauty of the flowers of the property. There are many kinds of flower narration in the Book of Songs, the most famous poems in ancient times. The most famous ones are peach blossoms, such as “the peach blossom and the burning flower.” Eastern Han Dynasty people already know that flowers can be potted. According to the fact that there was a potted mural in the Wangtu-Han tomb in Hebei Province, it was proved that potted flowers had become quite popular at the time and proved a strong impetus for the flower to enter the human spiritual world. Sui, Sui Yang Di Qionghua watch the story. When the Tang Dynasty, Peony flowers because of the relationship between flowers and color become the hearts of people in Kao, “Only Peony true color, blossom season moving capital.” Explain the people at that time to enjoy peony event is unprecedented. Song, the flowers greatly developed in the private sector, when Luoyang Peony thrives, Ouyang repair “Luoyang Peony Spectrum”, Liu
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美国加州土地肥沃,为种植提子最理想的农业区,其提子产量约占全美总产量的97%,这归功于漫长而炎热的夏天、肥沃的土壤和充沛的水源。 提子是娇贵的水果,必须特别小心照料,因
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