
来源 :四川政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yysjtu
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根据中共中央、国务院批准的《四川省人民政府机构改革方案》(中委[2000]68号)和省委、省政府《关于实施四川省人民政府机构改革方案有关问题的意见》(川委发[2000]19号),设置四川省财政厅。省财政厅为主管全省财政收支、财税政策、国有资产管理、实施财政监督的省政府组成部门。一、调整职能(一)划入职能。1、原省对外贸易经济合作委员会承担的外国政府贷款管理职能、原中国人民银行四川省分行承担的亚洲开发银行贷款管理职能、中国银行四川省分行承担的日本国际协力银行 According to the “Plan for the Reform of the Institutions of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government” (No. 68 [2000] of the People’s Government of China) approved by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Institutional Reform of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government [2000] No. 19), set the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance. Provincial Department of Finance in charge of the province’s fiscal revenue and expenditure, fiscal policy, state-owned assets management, the implementation of financial supervision of the provincial government departments. First, adjust the function (a) into the function. 1. Foreign government loan management functions assumed by the former Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Commission of the Province, the Asian Development Bank’s loan management function undertaken by the Sichuan Provincial Branch of the People’s Bank of China, Bank for International Cooperation held by Bank of China Sichuan Branch,
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经省政府同意,现将省财政厅《关于一九九二年全省实施财政预算“保盘子工程”意见的报告》转发给你们,请结合实际情况,认真遵照执行。 With the agreement of the provinci
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