日本机电一体化技术展览会(MECHATRONICSTECHNOLOGY JAPAN)隔年举行,今年是第5届,若将其前身FMS展览会也算在内,这次已是第7届。本届展览会展览面积约20000m,有213家厂参加,展出摊位达972个。在展览会等备期间,尽管遇到了日元急剧升值等严重情况,该展览会仍集中了日本机床行业的主要工厂。 “机电一体化技术展览会”在日本中部地区举行,这里被称作日本制造业的发祥地,汽车、机床、飞机、航天等工业大部分都集中在该地区,因此,这一地区同时又是日本最大的机床市场,对机床厂来说,它是一重要的战略位置。 该展览会一直是以重点展出高效率、高生产性系统的产品为主,因此,作为FA的专业展览会一直得到很高评价。
The MECHATRONICS TECHNOLOGY JAPAN is held every other year. This year is the 5th year. If the predecessor of the FMS is included, this is the 7th time. The exhibition area of this exhibition is approximately 20000m, 213 factories participated, and 972 booths were exhibited. During the preparation period for the exhibition, despite the serious situation such as the sharp appreciation of the yen, the exhibition still focused on the major factories of the Japanese machine tool industry. The “Mechatronics Technology Exhibition” was held in the central region of Japan. It is called the birthplace of the Japanese manufacturing industry, and most of the industries such as automobiles, machine tools, aircraft, and aerospace are concentrated in the area. Therefore, this area is also Japan. The largest machine tool market is an important strategic position for the machine tool factory. The exhibition has always been focused on products that exhibit high-efficiency, high-productivity systems. As a result, FA’s professional exhibitions have always been highly evaluated.