晋唐妙法 东洋异峰——论破体、破体书道与松本筑峰

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晚唐诗才李商隐《韩碑》诗状中唐大文豪,大书家韩愈书“平淮西碑”有曰: 公退斋戒坐小阁,濡染大笔何淋漓。点窜尧典舜典字,涂改清庙生民诗。文成破体书在纸,清晨再拜铺丹墀。……传之七十有二代,以为封禅玉检明堂基。诗人极尽赞叹之能事的“碑高三丈字如斗,负以灵螫蟠以螭”的“帝敕平淮西碑”的碑文书法,是“点窜尧典舜典字“而“文成破体书在纸”的“破体”。破体,在当今中国书坛,知道的人已经不多了,然而,在古代却是颇有身价声誉百倍的。盛唐大书家徐浩在《论书》中赞道:“钟善真书,张称草圣,右军行法,小令破体,皆一时之妙!”在当时,“破体”是与真书、草、行法等“典范”并列的正宗书体.是能与钟繇、张芝、王右军等书圣作品媲美的妙艺杰构。用现在的话来说,所谓“破体”就是在一幅书法作品的创作中采用多种书体书写,或者说一幅书作表现了不同书体,并相 Late Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin “Han monument” poem in the Tang Dynasty writer, the book writer Han Yu book “Ping Huai West monument” has said: The public retirement to sit on a small cabinet, Ru He polluting He dripping. Point Code Yao Code Shun Code, Tu Qing temple students poetry. Wen Cheng Po breaking body of paper in the early morning and then worship Dan shop. ... ... Seventy generations have two generations, that the seal Zen Yu detection Tang base. The poet made a great tribute to the “monument of the highest three dimensions such as fighting, negative to the spirit 螫 以 to 螭” “Emperor 敕 Ping Huaixi monument” inscription calligraphy, is “point to channel code Yaodian Shun” and “Wen Cheng Body tornado in paper ”“ broken body. ” Broken body, in today’s Chinese calligraphy, people know that there is not much, however, in ancient times it is worth a hundred times the worth of reputation. Xu Hao, a grand scholar in the Tang Dynasty, praised the book of Treatises: “Zhong Shan Zhen Shu, Zhang Shecao Sheng, right army practice, Xiao Ling tao body, all of a sudden wonderful!” At that time, , Grass, line of law and other “model” tied to the authentic book body.Is with Zhong Kui, Zhang Zhi, Wang Youjun books and other works of art comparable to the wonderful art of architecture. In the present case, the so-called “broken body” is the use of a variety of handwriting in the creation of a calligraphic work, or that a book shows different book forms and phases
摘 要:档案管理作为电力企业经营管理工作中的一个重要环节,对企业的发展有着重要的影响。随着电力行业的飞速发展和电力改革的不断深入,企业的档案管理工作显得日益重要。本文着重从电力企业档案管理的重要性、存在的主要问题以及解决措施加以简单阐述。  关键词:档案管理;主要问题;解决措施  随着市场经济和社会结构迅速发展和变化,社会的各个领域都在不同程度的发生着变化。就拿电力行业来说,随着电力体制改革和企业
1978年9月,中央召开的城市住宅建设会议传达了邓小平同志的一次重要谈话,人体精神是:解决住房问题能不能路子宽些,譬如允许私人建房或者私建公助,分期付款。把个人手中的钱动员出来,国家解决材料。建筑业是可以为国家增加收入、增加积累的一个重要产业部门。在长期规划中,必须把建筑业放在重要位置。  1980年4月2日,邓小平同志就住宅问题再次发表重要讲话,他指出:“城鎮居民个人可以购买房屋,也可以自己盖。
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