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山东省招远市物资局在深化企业改革中,从“三个有利于”出发,大刀阔斧地改革企业分配制度,经过调查研究、优选方案,形成一套有效的利益驱动机制,为企业走向市场注入新的活力,取得明显效果。一、改革工资制度,拉开分配档次从加大活分配比重入手,建立起分配能高能低的内部分配机制。原标准工资的80%做为基础工资仍固定分配,其余20%与奖金捆在一起,按效益或业绩分配。根据行业特点,活分配部分(20%标准工资加奖金,下同)向购销第一线倾斜,倾斜度为10—20%,拉开两类人员的人均分配差距。1.购销人员:实行活分配与效益挂钩,划分六个 In deepening the reform of enterprises, Shandong Zhaoyuan Municipal Bureau of Materials, starting from the “three advantages,” drastically reformed the enterprise distribution system and formed an effective profit-driven mechanism through investigation and research and optimization so as to inject enterprises into the market New vitality, achieved significant results. First, the reform of the wage system, opened the allocation of grades from the increase in the proportion of live distribution start to establish the distribution of high energy low internal distribution mechanism. 80% of the original standard wage as the basis for the wage is still a fixed distribution, the remaining 20% ​​tied with the bonus, according to the distribution of benefits or performance. According to the characteristics of the industry, the distribution of live parts (20% of the standard wage plus bonuses, the same below) to the first line of purchase and sale tilt, inclination of 10-20%, widening the gap between the two types of personnel distribution. 1. Purchasing staff: the implementation of the distribution of benefits and benefits, divided into six
去年秋季提交国会的财政议案草案将包括由财政部提议的一些税收减让。预计减让的税额在150亿法郎左右。主要变化如下: 一、增值税、所得税奢侈品(如轿车、高度传真音响设备
苹果蠹蛾(Laspeyresia pomonella Linn.)是毁灭性的果树害虫之一,除为害苹果外,尚为害梨、沙果、桃等多种仁果类果实。我国对内对外均列为检疫对象。自1957年张学祖教授正式
目的:研究蕨类植物半边旗提取物6F对HL-60细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)及Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响,Ca2+与6F细胞毒作用及诱导细胞DNA片段化的关系.方法: 用荧光探针Fura-2/AM标记细