
来源 :法制现代化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chentongxu
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法制现代化不只是组织设施、规范制度及其运行机制的现代化,更是精神气质的变革与超越。正是法的精神支配着对规范、制度、原则和法律运行机制的选择,把一个个具体的法律规范、制度整合为一个客观法整体,又于不知不觉中影响着从官员到民众的价值评价和行为倾向。它是法的灵魂、血脉,是决定一个国家能否实现法制现代化的精义所在。本文通过对中国法制现代化历程的回顾,对国人特别是决策层对待法治、民主、权利、权力和法的价值态度的剖析,对现行立法数据的统计、比较和对某些具体立法(如《行政诉讼法》)立法目的的评价,强调指出:法的精神气质特别是立法精神、主旨和价值倾向的变革与超越,一直是困扰中国法制现代化进程的问题,今天,这一问题的解决也许具有先决意义。我们所追求和为之努力的当是形神兼备的法制现代化。 The modernization of the legal system is not only the organization of facilities, the standardization system and the modernization of its operating mechanism, but also the transformation and surpassing of spiritual temperament. It is the spirit of the law that governs the choice of norms, systems, principles and mechanisms for the operation of the law. It integrates a specific set of legal norms and systems into an objective law as a whole, and unknowingly influences the value from officials to the public Evaluation and behavioral tendencies. It is the soul and blood of the Fa and is the essence of deciding whether a country can modernize its legal system. Based on the review of the course of the modernization of China’s legal system, this article analyzes the attitude of people, especially the decision-making level in the treatment of the rule of law, democracy, power, power and law. Statistics and comparison of the current legislative data and some specific legislation (such as “ Law of Procedures ”), emphasizing that the law’s moral character, especially the legislative spirit, the transformation and transcendence of the values ​​and tendencies of the law, has always been a problem disturbing the modernization of China’s legal system. Today, the resolution of this issue may have a precedent significance. What we are pursuing and working for is the legal modernization that combines both form and spirit.
1.ill和sick①作形容词时两者均有“生病的”意思,但在美国多用sick。sick可作定语,如He has a sick mother.而ill作定语是“坏”的意思,如Hehas 1. Both ill and sick1 hav
在俄罗斯的一座乡村,失去丈夫的农妇与儿子相依为命,靠着勤劳的双手,日子虽然不富足但幸福安宁。有一次,回乡度假的庄园主的女儿所乘的马车受惊,农妇的儿子救了她一命,并且在四目相对的那一刻爱上了美丽的庄园主女儿。备受单相思煎熬的他为了争取和少女接近的机会,做出了离家到庄园主家当花匠的决定。   启程的那天雨丝纷飞。孤独的母亲坐在滴雨的屋檐下目送儿子欢天喜地朝远方的庄园走去,默默地注视着儿子执著的背影祈祷
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本文阐述了法制对社会政治、经济及维护社会稳定与发展的重要作用。 This article expounds the important role of legal system in social politics, economy and maintai
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