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《好啊!诚实永存》这则消息的思想性很强,它及时抓住北京市一位女售货员自费登广告寻找外国顾客还钱这个新颖的题材,突出地宣传了社会主义精神文明建设中的新人新事,生动地反映了我国人民诚实无欺的精神风貌和民族的传统美德,从而,唱出了一曲振奋人心的精神文明建设的颂歌。在国内外读者中引起了强烈反响。一位外国读者读了这篇报道后,写信给中国日报说:“这件事使我感到,诚实的时代并没有离开中国。”这则消息具有新闻的短、快、新、实的特点。报道及时发表于事情发生的第二天。全文二百五十多字,完全用事实说话,文章层次分明,新闻要素齐全,文字朴实简炼。 “Good! Honest forever” This message is very thought-provoking. It grasps the novelty theme of a saleswoman in Beijing buying advertisements at his own expense in search of foreign customers paying back the money, highlighting newcomers in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization The new incident vividly reflects the honesty and demeaning spirit of our people and the traditional national virtues. As a result, we have sung an ode to the exciting spiritual civilization. In domestic and foreign readers aroused strong repercussions. After reading this article, a foreign reader wrote to China Daily: “This incident made me feel that an honest time has not left China.” This news has the characteristics of short, fast, new and real news . The report was published on the second day of the incident. The full text of more than two hundred and fifty words, complete with facts, the article structured, complete news elements, simple text concise.
<正> 中国广播电视学会广播电视史学研究委员会第一次会议于1987年4月25日在大连市举行。推选杨兆麟为史学研究委员会主任委员,赵玉明、林青为副主任委员。
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1 引言rn“互动语言学”(interactional linguistics)是功能主义语言学派近年来着力推进的研究领域和重要发展方向之一.自2001年Selting & Couper-Kuhlen在论文集《互动语言
为了给桃砧木毛桃(Prunus persica)转基因研究提供稳定、高效的离体再生体系,本试验在实验室前期研究的基础上,以继代保存的毛桃无菌试管苗的叶片为外植体,通过研究不同浓度