Stk2,a Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase from Setosphaeria turcica,Specifically Complements the Funct

来源 :Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyhl1949
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Setosphaeria turcica,an essential phytopathogenic fungus,is the primary cause of serious yield losses in corn;however,its pathogenic mechanism is poorly understood.We cloned STK2,a newly discovered mitogen-activated protein kinase gene with a deduced amino acid sequence that is 96%identical to MAK2 from Phaeosphaeria nodorum,56%identical to KSS1 and 57%identical to FUS3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.To deduce Stk2 function in S.turcica and to identify the genetic relationship between STK2 and KSS1/FUS3 from S.cerevisiae,a restructured vector containing the open reading frame of STK2 was transformed into a fus3/kss1 double deletion mutant of S.cerevisiae.The results show that the STK2complementary strain clearly formed pseudohyphae and ascospores,and the strain grew on the surface of the medium after rinsing with sterile water and the characteristics of the complementary strain was the same as the wild-type strain.Moreover,STK2 complemented the function of KSS1 in filamentation and invasive growth,as well as the mating behavior of FUS3 in S.cerevisiae,however,its exact functions in S.turcica will be studied in the future research. Setosphaeria turcica, an essential phytopathogenic fungus, is the primary cause of serious yield losses in corn; however, its pathogenic mechanism is poorly understood. We cloned STK2, a newly discovered mitogen-activated protein kinase gene with a deduced amino acid sequence that is 96 % identical to MAK2 from Phaeosphaeria nodorum, 56% identical to KSS1 and 57% identical to FUS3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To deduce Stk2 function in S. turcica and to identify the genetic relationship between STK2 and KSS1 / FUS3 from S. cerevisiae, a restructured vector containing the open reading frame of STK2 was transformed into a fus3 / kss1 double deletion mutant of S. cerevisiae. The results show that the STK2 complex strain clearly formed pseudohyphae and ascospores, and the strain grew on the surface of the medium after rinsing with sterile water and the characteristics of the complementary strain was the same as the wild-type strain. Moreover, STK2 complemented the function of KSS1 in filamentation and inva sive growth, as well as the mating behavior of FUS3 in S. cerevisiae, however, its exact functions in S. turcica will be studied in the future research.
张学良,字汉卿,辽宁海城人,生于清光绪二十七年四月十七日(公元1901年6月3日)。于学忠,字孝侯,祖籍山东省蓬莱(今蓬莱市)于家庄,清光绪十六年十月初八(公元1890年11月19日)生于奉天省(今辽宁)旅顺口。  张学良较于学忠小11岁。两人原本素昧平生,后由战争中相识而成至交。在张学良曲折坎坷的传奇经历中,有两度紧要关头,张学良将军政大权托付给于学忠,遂引国人之关注。    张学良重用于学忠 
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