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目的总结从两汉至今生地黄的临床用量特点,为生地黄临床用量策略的制定提供依据。方法采用Microsoft office excel 2007软件建立历代生地黄剂量数据库,选取各朝代最具代表性的医学著作,将含生地黄方剂的方名、总药量、生地黄药量、整方药味数、加水量、服法等逐一录入。统计生地黄出现的频次、最常用量、常用量上限、常用量下限、最大用量、最小用量、平均用量。结合文献分析生地黄历代用量特点。结果汉唐时期生地黄用量特点为大剂量(>41.4 g)、宽范围(10.4~414.6 g),而从宋代至今,生地黄临床用量虽有所波动但总体呈较低水平,表现为平均用量、最常用量下降,常用量范围缩小,但用量范围仍较宽。结论生地黄使用25 g左右主要发挥滋阴清热凉血的作用,30 g以上有除痹安神的作用。 Objective To summarize the clinical features of Rehmannia glutinosa from Han Dynasty to present, and provide the basis for the clinical dosage strategy of Rehmanniae. Methods The Microsoft Office excel 2007 software was used to establish the database of traditional Chinese medicinal materials of Radix Rehmannia. The most representative medical works of each dynasty were selected. The names, the total dose, the amount of radix rehmanniae, the total amount of medicinal herbs, the amount of added water, France and so on one by one input. Statistics of Rehmannia frequency, the most commonly used, the amount of common upper limit, common lower limit, the maximum dosage, the minimum dosage, the average dosage. Combined with literature analysis of the characteristics of the use of traditional Chinese medicine. Results The results showed that the amount of Radix Rehmanniae used during the Han and Tang Dynasties was characterized by high dose (> 41.4 g) and wide range (10.4-414.6 g). From Song dynasty to the present day, although the clinical use of Radix Rehmanniae was fluctuated but the overall level was lower, , The most commonly used decreased, commonly used range narrowed, but the dosage range is still wide. Conclusion Rehmannia using about 25 g mainly play the role of Ziyin Qingre cooling, 30 g or more in addition to the role of paralysis.
本文报道了利用晶体通光方向上光束相差测量弹光系数的方法,并采用相对法和绝对法测量了Rb_0.3K_0.7TiOPO_4晶体的弹光系数。 In this paper, the method of measuring the phase difference of
AIM: To determine the mechanisms of effects of phytoestrogen genistein on the contracted rabbit aortic arteries in vitro, and observe the effect of genistein an
先天性海绵状血管瘤是小儿常见病,以婴幼儿为多见。我院自1981~1986年用鱼肝油酸钠注射液局部封闭治疗小儿先天性海绵状血管瘸12例,经随访全部治愈,介绍如下: 临床资料本组12