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X线是临床诊断最常用的一种电离辐射,它几乎涉及到每一个人,在人群中每人每年从人工电离辐射源接受的全身剂量中,医用诊断X线照射约占90%。X线诊断检查给广大人民的医疗保健带来巨大利益的同时,也会带来某种程度的危害。在过去二十年里,诊断性X线照射后对细胞遗传学的研究,局限于个别病人的报道或研究的较少。为了解一次X线胸透后给人体带来的影响及危害程度,以便采取正当化与最优化的措施来保障人们的健康,为此,我们对42例正常人外周血进行了微核观察,现报告如下。 X-ray is the most commonly used type of ionizing radiation for clinical diagnosis and covers almost everyone. Among the total systemic dose of artificial diagnostic radiations per person per year in a population, about 90% of medical diagnostic X-rays are used. X-ray diagnosis of the general public to bring huge benefits to medical care, it will also bring some degree of harm. In the past two decades, the study of cytogenetics after diagnostic X-ray exposure has been limited to few reports or studies by individual patients. To understand the X-ray chest to the human body after the impact and the degree of harm in order to take the measures of legitimation and optimization to protect people’s health, for which we have 42 cases of normal human peripheral blood were observed micronuclei, The report is as follows.
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