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近年来,宝安全面实施“科教兴区”和“园区带动经济发展”战略,切实依靠科技进步,改造提升传统产业,促进产业结构的调整和升级,已初步形成了电子、信息、光机电一体化、新材料、生物工程、三高”农业等高新技术产业体系。国民经济持续快速健康发展,2002年,全区实现国内生产总值433亿元,全区高新技术产品产值达到359亿元,占工业总产值的39%,全区经政府认定的高新技术企业已达34家,高科技项目72个。科技促进了经济 In recent years, Bao’an has comprehensively implemented the strategy of “revitalizing education through science and education” and “driving economic development in the park” strategy. Rely on scientific and technological progress, reforming and upgrading traditional industries and promoting the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure, Bao’an has initially formed the integration of electronics, information, opto-mechatronics New materials, bioengineering and agriculture, etc. The national economy maintained a sustained, rapid and healthy development. In 2002, the region achieved a GDP of 43.3 billion yuan and the output value of hi-tech products in the region reached 35.9 billion yuan, accounting for Industrial output value of 39%, the region identified by the government has reached 34 high-tech enterprises, high-tech projects 72. Science and technology to promote the economy
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靛坑河水库泄洪、发电隧洞,采用竖向进水型式,连接高口低洞,与原设计龙抬头型式相比,在工程投资、安全可靠性、施工难度及水流条件上,均取得较满意的效果。 Compared with the or
蒙古南部新金斯特地区萨克黑尔剖面察甘安布拉格组上部发现的牙形刺, 包括Caudicriodusneowos chmidtisp. nov., Caudicriodussp. A, Kimognathussp., “Ozarkodina”planili
近年来,随着城市建设的迅 速发展,各类开发区、工业区如雨 后春笋般涌现出来,城区面积不断 扩大。一些原处市郊的国有水利 工程已逐渐纳入城区规划,并陆续 在其周围进行建设