Market Is A Dinner An exclusive interview with Zhang Bin, President of China National Foreign Trade

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2005 is the last year of China ’s No. 10 Five-year Plan. With China’s booming economic development, domestic enterprises are facing up with not only quite a lot of opportunities, but also some potential challenges, for instance, with the upgoing oil prices, the energy and the raw materials are no longer in efficient supply, this is a problem that domestic enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises have to face. How to deal with the situation, Zhang Bin, President of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation (Sinotrans) gives his comments when interviewed by China’s Foreign Trade. 2005 is the last year of China’s No. 10 Five-year Plan. With China’s booming economic development, domestic enterprises are facing up with not only quite a lot of opportunities, but also some potential challenges, for instance, with the upgoing oil prices, the energy and the raw materials are no longer in efficient supply, this is a problem that domestic enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises have to face. How to deal with the situation, Zhang Bin, President of China National Foreign Trade Transportation ( (Sinotrans) gives his comments when interviewed by China’s Foreign Trade.
患儿男,6岁,因误食蓖麻子后腹泻1 d入院.患儿于1 d前上午8:00误食蓖麻子1粒,于11:00开始出现恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻,排黄色稀水样便2次.于家中口服诺氟沙星、黄连素及藿香正气水等药物(具体剂量不详),症状无好转.于当地医院就诊后,给予静脉输液治疗(具体药物及剂量不详),病情无好转,患儿出现精神萎靡,尿少.为明确诊治故来我院.入院时查体:体温36.2℃,心率108次/min,呼吸24次/
近日 ,云南磷肥厂与北海港正式签约 ,决定投资 2 0 0 0万元在北海港兴建磷酸罐区 ,计划 1 0a内每年从北海港出口磷酸 8万t。作为云南省化工行业龙头老大的云南磷肥厂已将北海港
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