1996年8月7日晚10时,赵之云静静地离开了人世。 他生前不喜欢凑热闹,也不愿意给别人添麻烦,所以在他临终前便关照家人:身后不要搞追悼会、遗体告别之类的仪式。 他自称“棋人”。而棋界和新闻界的朋友则称其为“棋界学者”、“围棋史家”等,这当然也都恰如其分。不过有位已故老词人送给他的“棋坛太史公”的雅号则我最为欣赏。 照《现代汉语词典》的释义,“公”是对上了年纪的男子的尊称。6年前,我刚认识他时,就听别人称他为“赵公”。起初还觉得有点别扭,他那时才49岁呀!后来发觉不光小辈如此叫他,同辈人,甚至比他年长的人也都如此叫他,也就“习惯成自然”了。想想也对,当今国内棋界还有几人的资格比他老呢?
At 10 o’clock on the night of August 7, 1996, Zhao Zhiyun quietly left the world. He did not like to join in the fun during his lifetime, do not want to give others trouble, so before his death he would take care of his family: Do not funeral memorial service behind the body, such as the ceremony. He calls himself “chessman.” Of course, the chessmen and friends in the press call them “chess scholars,” “Go historians,” and so on. However, the nickname given by a deceased old poet to him “Taishi Gong” is my favorite. According to the definition of “Modern Chinese Dictionary”, “public” is the title of the older man. Six years ago, when I first knew him, I heard others call him “Zhao Gong.” At first, he felt a little awkward. At that time, he was only 49 years old. Later, he noticed that not only did the junior call him, his contemporaries, and even the elders of his age so called him, they also became “accustomed to being natural.” Think about it right now, there are several people in the domestic chess than the old qualifications it?