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我厂生产的 YZ-13轻型载重汽车后桥差速器中,有两种锥齿轮刨齿加工后,因没有滚动检查设备,无法根据啮合结果对机床和刀具进行修正调整以提高其啮合精度。这样,影响后桥的装配质量和进度,成为生产中的关键问题。为此我们设计、制造了直齿锥齿轮简易滚动检查装置,使刨齿工在试刨加工后先行自检,据此再调整机床和刀具,提高了刨齿质量。也可供成品抽查检验之用。现介绍如下:附图为锥齿轮简易滚动检查装置的结构图。衬套5为装半轴齿用,其内孔做成两种尺寸,分别用于半轴齿的刨齿后检查和成品检查;其外圆与底板2为滑配(H7/h6),以便于更换衬套。衬套5的上端面与内孔的垂直度允差为0.02。装行星齿轮用的心轴8有两种尺寸,刨齿后检查用的心轴,前段尺寸为φ21.75h6与行星齿轮内孔配合,后段尺寸为φ22h6与固定衬套 In the YZ-13 light truck rear axle differential made in our factory, there are two types of bevel gear teeth processing, because there is no rolling inspection equipment, can not be adjusted according to the results of the engagement of the machine and tool to improve the meshing accuracy. In this way, affecting the quality and progress of the assembly of the rear axle has become a key issue in production. To this end, we have designed and manufactured a simple rolling inspection device for spur bevel gears, enabling the planing workers to perform self-test after the planing process, and then adjust the machine tools and tools to improve the quality of the planing teeth. Can also be used for spot checks of finished products. Now introduced as follows: The picture shows the simple scroll test device structure diagram of the bevel gear. Bushing 5 is equipped with semi-shaft teeth, the hole made in two sizes, respectively, for the semi-shaft teeth after the tooth inspection and finished product inspection; the outer circle and the base plate 2 with the slide (H7 / h6), so that Change the bushing. The tolerance of the perpendicularity between the upper end surface of the bushing 5 and the inner hole is 0.02. Spindle with a planetary gear 8 is available in two sizes, after the inspection of the mandrel with teeth, the former paragraph size φ21.75h6 and planetary gear bore with the latter paragraph size φ22h6 and fixed bushings
最近,我厂研究了一种浸二硫化钼的砂轮新工艺,经多次试验和应用,浸二硫化钼的砂轮磨削性能十分良好,各方面效益都很突出,深受工人欢迎。现将其方法及实用效果介绍如下: 一、
6月1日,在江苏省睢宁县睢宁留侯广场举办的《祝福祖国》邮票首发式上,60名儿童现场挥笔泼墨绘制60米儿童画幅,他 On June 1, at the first “Blessing the Motherland” sta
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当越来越多的人沉迷于韦德的闪电一步和勒布朗的霸王扣篮,为了他们的偶像疯狂呐喊时,他们可能没有想到,几十年前,这样的荣耀只能属于中锋球员。当纯种的中锋、内线 When mor