PWR型原子能反应堆核子仪表系统用的三同轴电缆,目前使用的是依据美国军用规范的与RG-11/U等效的三同轴电缆。但是近年来,就实际使用线路所要求的性能来说,特别希望低噪音化和耐热性能的提高与改进。在这些方面努力的结果,评价了在耐振动、弯曲性和热电流特性,以及耐LOCA性能方面与RG 149/U等效的优秀三同轴电缆的研制工作。另外,还作了模拟原子反应堆运行条件的种种试验,并证明了该电缆能够充分满足使用线路所要求的性能。
Three coaxial cables for PWR nuclear instrumentation systems currently use triple coaxial cables equivalent to RG-11 / U according to US military specifications. However, in recent years, in terms of the performance required for actual use of wiring, improvement and improvement of low noise and heat resistance are particularly desired. As a result of these efforts, the development of an excellent triax cable equivalent to the RG 149 / U in terms of vibration resistance, flexural and thermal current characteristics, and resistance to LOCA was evaluated. In addition, various tests have been made to simulate the operating conditions of atomic reactors, and the cable has been demonstrated to adequately meet the performance requirements of the line used.