Laparoscopic partial resection for hemangioma in the third portion of the duodenum

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laobo999
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Benign duodenal tumors are rare and less commonthan malignant tumors.Furthermore,vascular lesionsof the duodenum,including hemangiomas,are rarecauses of gastrointestinal bleeding.This report describes a case with bleeding hemangiomas in the thirdportion of the duodenum and jejunum and their successful treatment using a laparoscopic approach.Thereis no report of totally laparoscopic resection for tumorin the third portion of duodenum.After performinga laparoscopic Kocher maneuver,the location of theduodenal hemangioma was confirmed by endoscopicand laparoscopic observation.The lesion was excisedusing ultrasonic coagulating shears and the defect inthe duodenal wall was sutured laparoscopically.Thehemangioma of the jejunum was treated extracorporeally through a 3.0 cm umbilical incision.The operatingtime was 241 min and blood loss was negligible.Thepostoperative course was uneventful.For benign duodenal tumors in the third portion,if endoscopic resection is not adapted,this less invasive technique may be a standard treatment. Benign duodenal tumors are rare and less commonthan malignant tumors. Frthermore, vascular lesions of the duodenum, including hemangiomas, are rarecauses of gastrointestinal bleeding. This report describes a case with bleeding hemangiomas in the third portal of the duodenum and jejunum and their successful treatment using a laparoscopic approach. there is no report of totally laparoscopic resection for tumor in the third portion of duodenum. After Performa laparoscopic Kocher maneuver, the location of theduodenal hemangioma was confirmed by endoscopic and laparoscopic observation. lesion was excisedusing ultrasonic coagulating shears and the defect inthe duodenal wall was sutured laparoscopically.Thehemangioma of the jejunum was treated extracorporeally through a 3.0 cm umbilical incision. The operatingtime was 241 min and blood loss was negligible.Thepostoperative course was uneventful. For benign duodenal tumors in the third portion, if endoscopic resection is not adapted, this less invasive technique may be a standard treatment