Based on the Hamiltonian governing equations of plane elasticity for sectorial domain, the variable separation and eigenfunction expansion techniques were emplo
On the basis of existing plasticity-based damage model for plasticity coupled with damage for localization analysis, constitutive parameter identification was c
<正> 明末农民战争中,张献忠、李自成长期采用流动作战的方针,抗击明军的镇压,取得反围剿斗争的胜利。然而这种流动作战表现出明显的流寇主义作风,攻城略地,随占随弃,忽视建立根据地以发展和巩固革命战争成果。但至崇祯末年,农民军在中原、江汉痛歼明军主力,改变敌强我弱局面之后,张献忠也开始意识到克服流寇主义、建立农民政权的必要性,因而相继在武昌、湖南、四川试建农民政权。本文主要论述张献忠在湖南建立政权的问题。一张献忠于崇祯十六年(1643)夏,乘李自成略定荆襄,威震江汉,左良玉望风顺江东遁之机,自
It was proposed that a robust and efficient parallelizable preconditioner for solving general sparse linear systems of equations, in which the use of sparse app
Interactions between different scales in turbulence were studied starting from the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The integral and differential formula
大青叶在临床上应用广泛,具有抗菌消炎的作用,可用于流行性乙型脑炎、上呼吸道感染、流行性感冒的防治。用法如下:1.流行性乙型脑炎 单味大青叶水煎剂,对轻、重型流行性乙型脑炎治
A newly developed Z fracture criterion for the composite materials was introduced,the new concepts of in-plane average strain,in-plane dilatational strain energ