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肝、肾是维持人体内环境稳定的重要器官,互相联系,至为密切,临床上常遇到肝、肾同时或先后受累的情况,迄今未受到足够的重视。以往虽有人提出“肝肾综合征”这一名词,但仅理解为肝硬化末期在肝功能代偿失调的情况下继发的肾功能衰竭。这种狭义的解释远远不能说明肝肾间复杂多样的内在联系,有的学者巳主张加以摈弃。事实上不但肝功衰可以引起肾功衰,肾功衰也可以反过来引起肝功衰;近年来我们迩遇到一些说明肝肾相互关系的新情况,如乙型肝炎抗原性肾炎以及肾病综合征引起的可逆性肝肿大,二者均不以另一器官功能衰竭为先决条件;此外有些毒物选择地引起肝肾损害如生鱼胆中毒等,凡此种种都应当包括在‘肝肾综合征” 这个总的范畴内。当然,在这新的认识下, “肝肾综合征”只说明二脏间的相互联系,便于引导我们作进一步的探讨,而不能看作是一个独立病症来诊断。兹将上述各种情况分别加似论述。 Liver and kidney are the important organs that maintain the stable environment in the human body. They are closely related to each other and are close to each other. In the past, they often encounter liver and kidney involvement or have successively suffered from it. So far, they have not received enough attention. Although in the past some people put forward the term “hepatorenal syndrome”, but only understood as the end of cirrhosis in the case of decompensated liver function secondary to renal failure. This narrow interpretation far can not explain the complex relationship between liver and kidney, some scholars have advocated to be rejected. In fact, not only liver failure can cause renal failure, renal failure can in turn cause liver failure; in recent years we have encountered some new cases of liver-kidney relationship, such as hepatitis B antigenic nephritis and nephrotic syndrome Levy induced reversible hepatomegaly, both not to another organ failure as a prerequisite; in addition to some of the toxic selectively cause liver and kidney damage such as raw fish poisoning, etc., all these should be included in the ’liver and kidney syndrome Of course, under this new understanding, “hepatorenal syndrome” only shows the interrelationship between the two dirty organs, so as to guide us to conduct further discussions rather than to diagnose as an independent disorder I will add the above situations to the discussion.
本文根据高等院校在情报教育方面存在的问题,阐述了强化教师情报意识的重要性和迫切性,探讨对教师进行情报教育的途径。 According to the existing problems of intelligen
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向××,(住院号222158),女,23岁,学生,恩施县鸦鹊公社人。因持续不规则发热两月余,迅速日趋恶液质、腹胀一周,于1975年10月19日入院。 患者于1975年8月1日由县城学校回乡渡