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(一)审理劳动争议案件的指导思想审理劳动争议案件要坚持“以事实为根据,以法律为准绳”的原则,既要依法保护企业正当的开除、除名、辞退职工或者解除劳动合同等自主权,支持严明劳动纪律、加强管理、搞好改革;又要依法制约企业滥用劳动用人权和工资、奖金分配权,维护职工的合法权益,激发职工的生产积极性,从而维护企业正常的生产经营秩序,发展良好的劳动关系,维护安定团结,促进改革开放的顺利发展。(二)劳动争议案件的受理范围劳动争议的一方当事人对劳动争议仲裁委员会的裁决不服,在法定期限内向人民法院起诉,符合下列情形之一的,应当受理:1、因企业开除、除名、辞退职工和职工辞职、自动离职发生的争议;2、因执行国家有关工资、保险、福利、培训、劳动保护的规定 (I) Trial of the Guiding Ideology of Labor Dispute Cases Trial of labor dispute cases should adhere to the principle of “taking facts as the basis and taking the law as the criterion ”, and it is necessary to protect enterprises from legitimate expelling, exhurating, dismissing employees or canceling labor contracts according to law Autonomy, support for strict labor discipline, strengthen management, and improve the reform; but also according to the law restricting the abuse of labor and wages of enterprises, bonus distribution rights, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, to stimulate staff enthusiasm for production, so as to maintain the normal production and operation of enterprises Order, develop good labor relations, maintain stability and unity, and promote the smooth development of reform and opening up. (B) the scope of admissibility of labor dispute cases Labor dispute one party to the Labor Dispute Arbitration Commission’s ruling dissatisfaction with the statutory time limit to the people’s court prosecution, in line with one of the following circumstances, it should be accepted: 1, due to business dismissal, delisting, dismissal Dispute between employees and employees resignation, automatic separation; 2, due to the implementation of the provisions of the state wage, insurance, welfare, training, labor protection
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