学术规范问题的核心是学风问题。造成目前档案学界不良学风的原因主要有 :(一)市场经济大潮的冲击 ;(二)档案学术评论机制不健全 ;(三)出版社和杂志社把关不严。档案学术规范的主要内容 :(一)规范学术精神 ;(二)规范文风文德 ;(三)规范档案术语概念 ;(四)规范档案学术评论。建立档案学术规范应重点抓好以下几方面 :(一)加强档案学术队伍建设 ,培养高素质的档案科研人才 ;(二)建立匿名评审制度 ;(三)建立、健全文献检索体系。
The core of academic norms is the style of study. The reasons for the current bad academic atmosphere in the archives include: (1) the impact of the tide of market economy; (2) the incomplete academic review mechanism of archives; and (3) the strict control by publishing houses and magazines. The main content of the academic norms of the archives: (1) to standardize the academic spirit; (2) to regulate the style of writing; (3) to regulate the concept of archival terms; (4) to standardize the academic records of the archives. The establishment of archival academic norms should focus on the following aspects: (a) to strengthen the archival academic team building, training high-quality archival scientific research personnel; (b) to establish anonymous review system; (c) to establish and improve the literature retrieval system.