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谈到建筑,Haraway的宣言指出,21世纪我们需要重新绘制建筑学的边界而不是仅保护边界不受侵略。我们需要使建筑学教育结构多样化。 学科范畴和全球化环境 建筑设计公司在19世纪工业社会发展成为设计实践的特定阶层之后,20世纪中期开始形成分级控制和监管。大型综合公司倾向于加强设计任务之间的区分而不是重新限定。20世纪晚期信息技术爆炸和社会经济的重构——流动的空间——创造了新的实践环境。对于建筑师如何实践以及和同谁合作也有重新调整。最后,公认的是,灵活的工作模式和对信息收集与处理的重视已使建筑业务产生彻底改变。 最近,某些跨学科业务已拓展或出现,它不完全属于传统职业的范畴:社区开发与授权,公众政策。规划和分区,生态和环境,装置和艺术实践,管理职务,出版和批评,维护等。最大的机遇可能存在于电子/虚拟环境中,它具有影响物理环境形式和性质的潜能。从与虚拟环境设计有关的工 When it comes to architecture, Haraway’s declaration states that in the 21st century we need to redraw the borders of architecture rather than simply protecting the borders from aggression. We need to diversify the architecture of education in architecture. Subject Areas and a Globalized Environment After the development of industrial society in the 19th century as a specific class of design practice, architectural design firms began to form hierarchical control and regulation in the mid-20th century. Large integrated companies tend to reinforce the distinction between design tasks rather than redefine them. The explosion of information technology and the reconstruction of socio-economy in the late 20th century - the mobile space - creating a new environment for practice. For architects how to practice and cooperation with whom also have readjusted. Finally, it is acknowledged that the flexible work patterns and the emphasis on information gathering and processing have revolutionized the construction business. Recently, some interdisciplinary business has expanded or emerged. It does not completely belong to the category of traditional occupations: community development and empowerment and public policy. Planning and zoning, ecology and environment, installation and artistic practice, management positions, publishing and criticism, maintenance and more. The greatest opportunity may lie in the electronic / virtual environment, with its potential to influence the form and nature of the physical environment. From the design related to the virtual environment
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