
来源 :口腔颌面修复学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingfengliangban
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骨修复材料包括种植材料和骨缺损修复替代材料,目前,已经有40多种不同的陶瓷、金属和聚会物等用于骨组织的替代和修复.多数现有的骨修复材料仍然基于早期的观念:用于人体的材料最好是惰性的,产生的组织反应最小,这类种植材料一般10年成功率约80-90%,长期成功率(>10年)则明显降低.骨修复材料的主要目的就是使成骨细胞在其表面增殖和分化,并迅速诱导胶原性骨基质在材料的表面沉积,在修复材料和骨组织之间产生生物结合,即植入材料的生物活性固定,形成稳定的高机械强度的界面,使骨修复材料能够最终为骨组织取代或形成稳定的骨/种植体界面.骨修复材料植入体内后,首先和血液成分相互作用,包括蛋白和血小板的吸附和红细胞和炎性细胞的粘附,材料的表面性质决定了何种分子被吸附到材料表面,这一吸附反应决定和影响了随后的细胞行为.了解骨损伤愈合过程中成骨细胞生态及其调控因素,有助于有目的的对材料的表面理化及生物学性质进行改造,影响并控制成骨细胞对于骨修复材料的反应性. Bone repair materials, including implant materials and replacement materials for repair of bone defects, are currently used in the replacement and repair of bone tissue for more than 40 different ceramics, metals, and assemblies, etc. Most existing bone repair materials are still based on earlier concepts : The material used for the human body is preferably inert and produces the least tissue reaction, which generally results in a 10-year success rate of about 80-90% and a long-term success rate (> 10 years) which is significantly lower. The aim is to proliferate and differentiate osteoblasts on their surface and rapidly induce the collagen matrix to deposit on the surface of the material, creating a biological bond between the prosthetic material and the bone tissue, ie the bioactive immobilization of the implanted material to form a stable High mechanical strength interface that allows bone repair materials to eventually replace or form a stable bone / implant interface.After implantation of the bone repair material into the body, it first interacts with blood components, including adsorption of proteins and platelets and red blood cells and The adhesion of inflammatory cells, the surface properties of the material, determines which molecules are adsorbed onto the surface of the material, and this adsorption reaction determines and affects the subsequent cellular behavior. Osteoblasts healing process and its regulation Ecological factors that contribute to the surface of purposeful physicochemical and biological properties of the material to transform, and the influence of the reaction control for osteoblast bone repair material.
编辑: 我是辽宁省沈阳市的女孩,工作之余常帮助朋友做导游,就这样,我认识了我现在的男朋友。他是一个沙特阿拉伯男孩,长得漂亮,也很温柔。最近,我们商量着要结婚,可父母极力
编辑同志: 李某夫妇于2000年3月退休后回乡下居住,其在市区的一套三居室住房闲置未用。2001年10月5日,李某原单位的同事王某来到李家,询问李某的住房是否有出租的打算,李某
题a、b为实数,求a2+b2+ab-2b-a的最小值.分析这应该是一道典型的通过配方求最小值的问题,于是a2+b2+ab-2b-a=1/2(2a2+2b2+2ab-4b-2a)=1/2[(a2+2ab+b2)+(a2-2a+1)+(b2 Proble