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余秋雨先生在考察了希腊埃及巴比伦印度等几大人类古文明发祥地之后,十分忧伤地慨叹:人类几大文明发祥地都已衰落无一例外。衰落有诸多原因,但危害最大的是军事远征和宗教战争。军事远征胜利的一方总是要对战败的一方实行文化奴役,这对被奴役的文化是一种毁灭性的摧残,有埃及、耶路撒冷、巴比伦、伊朗、印度的废墟为证。宗教战争是一种精神的扫荡,专选别人的文明动刀。宗教战争和宗教征服来回穿梭,屠夫比武.漫漫沙场尸横遍野血流成河。这实在与宗教创立者的慈善原则完全背道而驰。最后,秋雨先生将中华文明和域外文明作了一个对比,得出的结论是中国古代的君王都以自己为天下的中心,所以都不喜欢远征别国,因而中华文明从根子上主张和平自守。你看在中国商代、埃及已经远征了西亚:孔子时代,波斯远征了巴比伦,又远征了埃及;到了屈原时代,希腊的亚历山大还在远征埃及和巴比伦,而且波斯和希腊,都已抵达印度。那时中国也打,但大多只是内部纷争,与人家一比简直是彻底的本 After examining the birthplaces of several ancient human civilizations such as India and India in Greece and Egypt, Mr. Yu Qiuyu laments sadly that the birthplace of several major civilizations has declined without exception. There are many reasons for the decline, but the hardest hit are military expeditions and religious wars. The party that won the military expedition always wanted to impose cultural slavery on the defeated party, a devastating act of enslaved culture, as evidenced by the ruins of Egypt, Jerusalem, Babylon, Iran and India. Religious war is a spirit of raiding, selecting other people’s civilized knife. Religious wars and religious conquest shuttle back and forth, butcher competitions. This runs counter to the principle of charity of the founder of religion. Finally, Mr. Autumn made a comparison between Chinese civilization and extra-territorial civilization and concluded that the ancient kings in ancient China regarded themselves as the center of the world and therefore did not like expeditions to other countries. Therefore, the Chinese civilization advocates peace and self-defense from the roots . You see, in the Shang Dynasty of China, Egypt had already expedition to West Asia. During the Confucian era, Persia expeditionary to Babylon and Egypt. In the Quyuan era, Alexandria of Greece was still expedition to Egypt and Babylon, and Persia and Greece had already arrived in India. China was also playing at that time, but most of them were internal disputes. Compared with other people, it was simply a radical one
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本刊主编陈立浩教授荣获“德艺双馨”优秀艺术家称号。2月 2 8日 ,省文联召开三届三次会议 ,总结了我省 2 0 0 2年文艺界所取得的成果。本刊主编陈立浩教授荣获“德艺双馨”
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