Thermal Water Deposition and Ph-Zn Barite Deposits in the Devonian System, Central Guangxi

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry(English Language Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yujiankaka
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Stratiform barite deposits(SB) and vein Pb-Zn barite deposits(VB) are known in a rift basin in centralGuangxi. The former is hostrd in the Upper Devonian cherl beds and the lalter occurs in the Middle and LowerDevoman nerihe sediments. The two types of mineralization are believed to have a common origin asevidenced by the following observahons: (1)Spahally, they are closely associated with each other.(2) Theypossess. a basie similarily. but also show systematic variations from VB to SB in terms of ore composition,structural and textural features, temperalure of mineralizing solutions, country rocks and alteration. (3) Theirδ~(34)S values are more similar to the average value of marine sulfate in Late Devonian than to that in EarlyDevonian. A model for thermal water deposition has been proposed to illustrate the genesis of these deposits. The former is hostrd in the Upper Devonian cherl beds and the lalter occurs in the Middle and LowerDevoman nerihe sediments. The two types of mineralizations are believed to have a common origin a virgind by the following observahons: (1) Spahally, they are closely associated with each other. (2) Theypossess. a basie similarily. but also show systematic variations from VB to SB in terms of ore composition, structural and textural features, temperalure of mineralizing solutions, country rocks and alteration. (3) Their δ ~ (34) S values ​​are more similar to the average value of marine sulfate in Late Devonian than to that in Early Devonian. A model for thermal water deposition has been proposed to illustrate the genesis of these deposits.
1997年 ,全国高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组委托我们在继续录音口试试点的基础上 ,着手进行英语专业四级面试的试点工作。这两种口试同时进行试点 ,目的在于 :将来两
日本东京大学生产技术研究所冈田恒男教授和东京大学工学部坂本功助教授在哈尔滨出席中日抗震结构学术讨论会后,于9月25日至27日来南京访问。 26日下午,进行了学术交流活动,