在浙江省缙云县,有一个叫仁岸的山村,因杨梅闻名,却也一度“霉名远扬”。这个村有1 000余户、2 600多人,因为出产的杨梅个大味甜而负有盛名。说其“霉名远扬”是因为该村曾经是出名的脏乱差,“晴天一身灰,雨天一脚泥,垃圾满地堆,蚊蝇满天飞”。村里土路上、河道里垃圾成堆,脏得让人看不下去,不少杨梅客商反映,仁岸的杨梅虽好,但村庄环境卫生很差。在当时县里的清理河道、清洁乡村“双清”检查中,仁岸几乎每次都垫底。
In Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, there is a village named Ren’an, famous for Yangmei, but also for once. The village has more than 1,000 households and more than 2,600 people, renowned for their great taste and sweetness. To say that the “mildew” is because the village was once known as dirty and messy, “a sunny day, a muddy rain, rubbish everywhere, mosquitoes fly”. The village of dirt roads, garbage piles in the river, dirty people can not stand it, many Bayberry merchants reflect, although the Bayberry Yan Ren is good, but the village sanitation is poor. At that time in the county clean-up river, clean the village “Shuangqing ” check, Yan shore almost bottom.