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1980年,在王家崖水库加固改善工程中,为解决溢洪道底板扬压力问题采用了廊道式的排渗减压方案,1981年3月竣工,三年来,曾经过较高水位(601米)多次泄洪,最大泄量293秒立方米,取得较好地排渗减压效果。(一)工程概况王家崖水库是宝鸡峡引渭工程中的渠库结合工程之一,位于渭河支流千河下游,拦河坝为均质土坝,坝高24米,坝长1816米,库容9420万立方米,正常蓄水位602米,1971 In 1980, at the Wangjiaya Reservoir Improvement and Improvement Project, a corridor-type drainage and relief program was adopted to solve the problem of the uplift pressure of the spillway floor. Completed in March 1981, in the past three years, the water level of more than 601m has been exceeded The second flood discharge, the maximum discharge of 293 seconds cubic meters, achieved better drainage and drainage decompression effect. (I) Project Overview Wangjiaya Reservoir is one of the reservoir and reservoir combination projects in Baoji Gorge Wei Project. It is located at the lower reaches of the thousands of rivers in tributaries of the Weihe River. The dam is a homogeneous earth dam with a dam height of 24 meters and a dam length of 1816 meters and a storage capacity of 94.2 million Cubic meter, the normal water level 602 meters, 1971
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A 57-year-old woman was referred to our hospital becauseof a liver mass detected by computed tomography.She hadtaken oral contraceptives for only one month at
用来制作光电子器件的(Al_(0.1)Ga_(0.9))_(0.5)In_(0.5)为直接带隙的四元合金材料,对应的发光波长为630nm,在其LP-MOCVD(low press-metalorganic chemical vapor deposition