Multiple pathogenic factor-induced complications of cirrhosis in rats: A new model of hepatopulmonar

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:walkeronmoon
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AIM: To develop and characterize a practical model of Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) in rats. METHODS: The experimental animals were randomized into five feeding groups: (1) control (fed standard diet), (2) control plus intraperitoneal injection with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), (3) cirrhosis (fed a diet of maize flour, lard, cholesterol, and alcohol plus subcutaneously injection with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) oil solution), (4) cirrhosis plus LPS, and (5) cirrhosis plus glycine and LPS. The blood, liver and lung tissues of rats were sampled for analysis and characterization. Technetium 99m-labeled macroaggregated albumin (Tc99m-MAA) was used to test the dilatation of pulmonary microvasculature. RESULTS: Typical cirrhosis and subsequent hepato- pulmonary syndrome was observed in the cirrhosis groups after an 8 wk feeding period. In rats with cirrhosis, there were a decreased PaO2 and PaCO2 in arterial blood, markedly decreased arterial O2 content, a significantly increased alveolar to arterial oxygen gradient, an increased number of bacterial translocated within mesenteric lymph node, a signifi cant higher level of LPS and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in plasma, and a signifi cant greater ratio of Tc99m-MAA brain-over- lung radioactivity. After LPS administration in rats withcirrhosis, various pathological parameters got worse and pulmonary edema formed. The predisposition of glycine antagonized the effects of LPS and signif icantly alleviated various pathological alterations. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that: (1) a characte- ristic rat model of HPS can be non-invasively induced by multiple pathogenic factors including high fat diet, alcohol, cholesterol and CCl4; (2) this model can be used for study of hepatopulmonary syndrome and is clinically relevant; and (3) intestinal endotoxemia (IETM) and its accompanying cytokines, such as TNF-α, exert a crucial role in the pathogenesis of HPS in this model. AIM: To develop and characterize a practical model of Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) in rats. METHODS: The experimental animals were randomized into five feeding groups: (1) control (fed standard diet), (2) control plus intraperitoneal injection with lipopolysaccharide LPS), (3) cirrhosis (fed a diet of maize flour, lard, cholesterol, and alcohol plus subcutaneously injected with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) oil solution), (4) cirrhosis plus LPS, and . The blood, liver and lung tissues of rats were sampled for analysis and characterization. Technetium 99m-labeled macroaggregated albumin (Tc99m-MAA) was used to test the dilatation of pulmonary microvasculature. RESULTS: Typical cirrhosis and subsequent hepato-pulmonary syndrome was observed in the cirrhosis groups after an 8 wk feeding period. In rats with cirrhosis, there were a decreased PaO2 and PaCO2 in arterial blood, markedly decreased arterial O2 content, a significantly increased alveolar to a rterial oxygen gradient, an increased number of bacterial translocated within mesenteric lymph node, a signifi cant higher level of LPS and tumor necrosis factor- [alpha] (TNF- [alpha]) in plasma, and a signifiant greater ratio of Tc99m-MAA brain-over- lung radioactivity. After LPS administration in rats with cirrhosis, various pathological parameters got worse and pulmonary edema formed. The predisposition of glycine antagonized the effects of LPS and signif icantly alleviated various pathological alterations. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that: (1) a characte- ristic rat model of HPS can be non-invasively induced by multiple pathogenic factors including high fat diet, alcohol, cholesterol and CCl4; (2) this model can be used for study of hepatopulmonary syndrome and is clinically relevant; and (3) intestinal endotoxemia (IETM) and its accompanying cytokines, such as TNF-α, exert a crucial role in the pathogenesis of HPS in this model.
1999年,陷入严重亏损的日产汽车公司迎来了他们的新任总裁——法国人卡洛斯·戈恩。消息传出后,公司上下不禁担心起来:洋老板的话我们能听懂吗?他连日语都不会说,怎么带我们走出困境?  大家的担心不无道理,在就职仪式上,戈恩先用法语对中层以上人员叽里呱啦地讲了半天,几乎没人听得懂,后来他改用英语,大家勉强听懂了,却只有两句话:“我将要做的事,刚才都已讲完了。要补充的是,我听不懂日语,所以你们想反映情况