Impact of branchoplasty plus pulmonary lobectomy on quality of life in lung cancer patients

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beiebi3807b
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Background:Withregardtoimprovementofmortalityasso-ciatedwithoperation,5-yearsurvivalrate,andqualityoflife,branchoplastypluspulmonarylobectomyisworthapplyinginclin-ic.Objective:Toinvestigatetheimpactofbranchoplastypluspulmonarylobectomyonqualityo Background: Withregardtoimprovementofmortalityasso-ciatedwithoperation, 5-yearsurvivalrate, andqualityoflife, branchoplastypluspulmonarylobectomyisworthapplyinginclin-ic. Objective: To investigate the impact of panranoplastypluspulmonarylobectomyonqualityo
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