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数字电视中的增值业务一直是大家关注的焦点。没有增值业务,数字电视就缺乏吸引力;没有吸引力的数字电视,推广起来肯定有困难。MHP在DVB体系中担当着承载多媒体内容的任务。DVB-HTML应用和DVB-J应用是同属于MHP的两大应用类型,需要指出的是,MHP1.1之后,DVB-HTML才列入MHP的目录。从MHP1.0.1开始,MHP指定了一个用于数字交互电视终端的、可扩展的应用执行环境,这个环境不依赖特定的硬件和软件。此环境基于JVM和定义的API,用于提供对可交互的数字电视终端资源和设备的存取,使用这些API的Java应用被称作DVB-J应用。而MHP1.1提供了比MHP1.0.1更多的功能,比如从交互信道下载可交互的应用,支持可交互插件的管理,应用的存储,访问非CASmart卡读卡器等。最重要的是,MHP1.1在Java的DVB-J应用形式之外,定义了一种新的可选应用类型,这种应用可以提供Internet访问级别,可以控制类似于Webbrowser的驻留程序,这就是DVB-HTML应用。在DVB技术体系中,DVB-HTML应用属于MHP的范畴。MHP作为家庭多媒体平台的标准,从1997年制订以来,虽已有近十年历史,依然处于不断更新之中。在这期间,MHP的推广一直没有停止脚步,但从其产业进度来说,MHP的产业普及速度要远远落后于当年DVB。其中原因很多,仅就中国来说,主要原因有增值商业模式不清、标准制订迟缓等,但这些不是本文的讨论重点。本文将提供一个DVB-HTML应用形式的描述并研究其在MHP平台中的地位,并重点讨论我国制订数字电视中间件规范时应如何考虑需求、技术及体系结构。 Value-added services in digital television has been the focus of everyone’s attention. Without value-added services, digital television is not attractive; unattractive digital television, to promote it certainly have difficulties. MHP in the DVB system to play the task of carrying multimedia content. DVB-HTML applications and DVB-J applications belong to the same two categories of applications MHP, it should be noted that, after MHP1.1, DVB-HTML was included in the MHP directory. Starting from MHP 1.0.1, the MHP specifies a scalable application execution environment for digital interactive television terminals that does not rely on specific hardware and software. This environment is based on the JVM and the defined APIs to provide access to interactive digital TV terminal resources and devices. Java applications using these APIs are referred to as DVB-J applications. MHP 1.1 provides more features than MHP 1.0.1, such as downloading interactive applications from interactive channels, managing interactive plug-ins, storing applications, and accessing non-CASmart card readers. Most importantly, MHP 1.1, in addition to Java’s DVB-J application form, defines a new optional application type that provides Internet access to control resident programs like Webbrowser, which Is DVB-HTML applications. In the DVB technology system, DVB-HTML applications fall into the category of MHP. As a standard for home multimedia platforms, MHP has been in the process of being updated continuously for nearly ten years since its formulation in 1997. In the meantime, the promotion of MHP has not stopped its pace, but from its industrial progress, MHP’s industry popularization rate lags far behind the then DVB. There are many reasons for this. In China alone, the main reason for this is that the value-added business model is not clear and the standards are being formulated slowly. However, these are not the focus of this article. This article will provide a description of the DVB-HTML application form and study its status in the MHP platform, and will focus on how to consider the requirements, technologies and architecture of China’s digital television middleware specification.
血液被认为是生命之源。自古以来,人们就把血液和健康紧密地联系在一起。有人为了战胜恐惧而喝血,有人为了治病而放血,还有人为了改变性格输入动物的血液……几千年来,人们一直没有停止对血液的好奇和探索。     放血古老的疾病疗法    放血的历史可以追溯到公元2世纪。有证据显示埃及人有放血的历史,而希腊人更是热衷于此,他们甚至形成了一整套系统。为了放血,人们制造出大量的放血工具,这些工具通常是用铜或者钢