
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiebf1985
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甘薯是粮食作物,随着商品生产和加工业的发展,近年来又成了重要的经济作物。我县历年种植面积在20万亩以上,1988年达到31.8万亩,占全县总耕地面积的46.4%。为了发挥我县甘薯生产的优势,作到增产增收,在生产技术上,我们又推行了“六改一提倡”。 1.改火炕育秧为太阳能节煤育秧。传统的顿水顿火育秧方法虽然对防治黑斑病和提高出秧率效果较好,但秧苗素质较差,栽插成活率较低,而且耗煤量很大。太阳能苗床育秧以太阳能加温为主,辅之以烧火加温,结合药剂处理的方法,不仅同样能防治黑斑病和提高出秧率,而且可以节省燃料,提高秧苗素质和栽植成活率。据统计,1988年全县共推广太阳能节煤苗床6775铺,占育秧总床效的18.6%,共节煤2000吨,栽插成活率提高5%以上。 2.改常规栽秧为按规程栽秧。按规程栽秧的重点是小垄密植和适 Sweet potato is a food crop. With the development of commodity production and processing industry, it has become an important cash crop in recent years. Over the years, my county planted more than 200,000 mu and reached 318,000 mu in 1988, accounting for 46.4% of the total cultivated land in the county. In order to give full play to the advantages of sweet potato production in our county and increase output and increase income, we also implemented the “six reforms and one promotion” in production technology. 1. Change kang nursery seedlings for solar energy conservation Yangko. The traditional method of Dayton fire seedling fire prevention and treatment of black spot disease and improve the rate of seedling yield better, but the poor quality of seedlings, transplanting survival rate is low, but also a large amount of coal consumption. Solar seedling seedling to solar heating, supplemented by burning fire, combined with the agent approach, not only the same can control black spot disease and improve the rate of seedlings, but also can save fuel and improve the quality of seedlings and planting survival rate. According to statistics, in 1988, the county promoted a total of 6775 solar energy saving seedbed beds, accounting for 18.6% of the total bed capacity of seedling raising, with a total saving of 2,000 tons of coal and a 5% increase in transplanting survival rate. 2. Change the conventional planted according to the rules of planting. According to the rules of planting seedlings is the focus of small ridge planting and fitness
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