
来源 :陕西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SongSan
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沙柳历来是沙区固沙造林的先锋树种之一,在我国“三北”防护林建设和沙区人民的生产、生活中占有相当重要的位置。据查,我省榆林地区共有天然林和人工林约600万亩,其中沙柳林380万亩,占63%左 Salix has always been one of the pioneer tree species for sandification and afforestation in sandy areas. It occupies a very important position in the construction of the “Three North” shelterbelt in our country and the production and livelihood of people in the sand area. According to the investigation, there are altogether 6 million mu of natural forests and plantations in Yulin area in our province, including 380 mu of Salix forests, accounting for 63% of the total
大豆锈病是福建省西北地区秋大豆的重要病害。笔者等根据多年多种药剂田间多点试验证明:百菌清、磷酰胺、BAS-3170F 和代森锌是目前防治大豆锈病较好的药剂。在锈病区掌握花
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扁桃果(Mangifera Silvatica Roxb)是一种速生的城市绿化的优良而美观的树种之一,它具有树冠开阔,形如球形,枝叶浓密,终年常绿的特点,为两广城市优良速生绿化树种。近年来由
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