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研究不同固溶处理后GH864合金650℃裂纹扩展速率的变化规律。结果表明:随晶粒尺寸和固溶温度增加,裂纹扩展速率呈先降低后增加的趋势。根据多组试验数据拟合得到GH864合金晶粒尺寸与裂纹扩展速率的关系式,预测GH864合金晶粒尺寸在100μm左右,抗裂纹扩展能力可能存在最佳值。同时得到GH864合金固溶温度与裂纹扩展速率的关系式。用不同固溶温度将裂纹扩展速率变化规律划分为5个区域,低于固溶温度1080℃裂纹扩展速率随固溶温度增加而降低,1080℃固溶处理后合金的裂纹扩展速率最低,高于固溶温度1080℃裂纹扩展速率随固溶温度增加而增加。精准控制固溶温度可得到合适的晶粒尺寸和较好抗裂纹扩展能力。 The effects of different solution treatment on the crack propagation rate of GH864 alloy at 650 ℃ were studied. The results show that with the increase of grain size and solution temperature, the crack propagation rate first decreases and then increases. The relationship between the grain size and the crack propagation rate of GH864 alloy is obtained by fitting a plurality of experimental data. It is predicted that the grain size of GH864 alloy is about 100 μm, and the crack growth resistance may have the best value. At the same time, the relationship between solution temperature and crack growth rate of GH864 alloy was obtained. The variation of crack propagation rate at different solution temperatures was divided into five regions. The crack growth rate below the solution temperature of 1080 ℃ decreased with the increase of the solution temperature. The crack propagation rate of the alloy after solution treatment at 1080 ℃ was the lowest The solution crack growth rate at 1080 ℃ increases with increasing solution temperature. Precise control of the solution temperature gives a suitable grain size and better resistance to crack propagation.
研究了熔体混合时高低温熔体的温度及成分对Al-20%Si合金中初生硅形态的影响。利用光学显微镜观察组织,运用Image Pro金相分析软件测定了初生硅的平均直径和形状因子。结果表
Natural radioactivity radionuclides in building materials, such as~(226)Ra,~(232)Th and~(40)K, cause indoor exposure due to their gamma-rays. In this research,
【摘 要】校本研训是加速教师专业成长的重要路径,是提升学校教学质量的助推器。开展有广度、有深度、有效度的切合学情(学生、学科)、校情的校本研训活动,对于学校教学研究品牌建设具有重大意义。“一核·双链·三模”校本研训新样态,以学科核心素养立基,打造设计样态,以“双链”并行,构造实践样态,以“三模”研修,铸造课堂样态,从而实现学校校本研究的高效运作。  【关键词】一核;双链;三模;校本研训;样态  学