Inhibition of Proliferation and Induction of Apoptosis in Human Renal Carcinoma Cells by Anti-telome

来源 :Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangstian
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Telomerase is an attractive molecular target for cancer therapy because it is present in mostmalignant cells but is undetectable in most normal somatic cells.Human telomerase consists of two subunits,an RNA component(hTR)and a human telomerase reverse transcriptase component(hTERT).Smallinterfering RNA(siRNA),one kind of RNA interferences,has been demonstrated to be an effective methodto inhibit target gene expression in human cells.We investigated the effects of siRNA targeting at both hTRand hTERT mRNA on the inhibition of telomerase activity in human renal carcinoma cells(HRCCs).Theproliferation and apoptosis of HRCCs were examined.The treatment of HRCCs using hTR and hTERTsiRNAs resulted in significant decrease of hTR mRNA,hTERT mRNA and hTERT protein.The siRNA canalso inhibit the telomerase activity and the proliferation of HRCCs.Moreover,they can induce apoptotic celldeath in a dose-dependent manner.From these findings,we propose that the inhibition of telomerase activityusing siRNA targeting hTR and hTERT might be a rational approach in renal cancer therapy. Telomerase is an attractive molecular target for cancer therapy because it is present in mostmalignant cells but is undetectable in most normal somatic cells. Human telomerase consists of two subunits, an RNA component (hTR) and a human telomerase reverse transcriptase component (hTERT) .Smallinterfering RNA (siRNA), one kind of RNA interferences, has been demonstrated to be effective method to inhibit target gene expression in human cells. We investigated the effects of siRNA targeting at both hTRand hTERT mRNA on the inhibition of telomerase activity in human renal carcinoma cells (HRCCs). Theproliferation and apoptosis of HRCCs were observed.The treatment of HRCCs using hTR and hTERTsiRNAs resulted in significant decrease of hTR mRNA, hTERT mRNA and hTERT protein.The siRNA canalso inhibit the telomerase activity and the proliferation of HRCCs.Moreover, they can induce apoptotic celldeath in a dose-dependent manner. These findings, we propose that the inhibition of telomerase activityusing si RNA targeting hTR and hTERT might be a rational approach in renal cancer therapy.
论述师范院校体育教育在全民健身计划实施中的特殊地位和作用 ,提出目前师范院校体育教学中存在的问题 ,探讨师范院校体育教学改革的方向和具体措施 ,以促进全民健身计划的实
我也能在这个过程中体会到美好:发现老公的好,和在不适中依然努力变好的自己。  他们看起来真棒  公园里,一群人在跳健美操。男女老少都有,他们身材都很好,领操的女老师跟我差不多年纪,她动作轻盈有力,神情欢愉。正心生羡慕间,有人叫我的名字,是朋友淑娟。她在另一侧围观跳舞者。  她穿着一件灰色的裙子,秋日晴朗的天空映衬得她有点憔悴。她家离这公园挺远的,我有点惊讶:“来逛公园?”她摇头,她在公园对面的医院
这一天,我接待了远道而来的孙先生。孙先生是已年过半百的人了,在心理咨询室未曾开口先泪如泉涌。作为心理咨询师,我虽然经常面对来访者的眼泪,但是,此刻面对孙先生还是着实吓了一跳。  稍事休息,孙先生平静了一些,开始了自己的故事:  也许因为我是搞艺术的,我知道自己感情丰富。可现在感情丰富得有点不对劲了。很长时间了,我心情总是不好,总是伤感,总是想流泪。有人说我得了抑郁症,我知道没病,可就是不能控制自己
为使中职校语文课堂最优化,笔者认为从激发和培养学生浓厚、持久的学习兴趣为出发点,本着“宽基础、活模式、人为本”的教育理念,进行丰富多样的趣味化、多元化教学,培养学生的学习兴趣。  一、采用“多元多维”的评价方式  据调查显示,职业学校学生普遍在“语言表达能力和数学计算能力”上欠缺。这就造成了他们从小学和初中时代就成为“弱势群体”,而且被“贴上标签”,被列为“有学习障碍的学生”,“后进生”,甚至“差