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目的分析乌鲁木齐口岸出入境人群健康体检中检出乙、丙型肝炎感染情况、流行病学特征,为制定防治对策提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对2010~2015年乌鲁木齐口岸出入境人群健康体检中病毒性肝炎资料进行分析。结果从96692名出入境人员体检中,检出病毒性乙性肝炎5409例,检出率为5.59%;病毒性丙性肝炎抗体阳性902例,检出率为0.93%;其中青壮年无业、劳务和驾驶员发病较多,男女之比为2.70∶1,乌鲁木齐口岸近6年病毒性肝炎波动起伏,已出现下降趋势,说明人民对防病重要性的认识有了很大提高。结论口岸传染病监测应重点关注无业人员、劳务人员和交通员工,加强医学巡查和宣传教育,完善风险分析制度和疫情预判机制,防止各类传染病从国境口岸上的传入传出。 Objective To analyze the prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B and C in health check-ups in the entry-exit population of Urumqi at the port of entry, and provide scientific evidence for the development of control measures. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of viral hepatitis in the physical examination of the entry-exit population at Urumqi from 2010 to 2015. Results A total of 5409 cases of viral hepatitis B were detected during the physical examination of 96,692 immigrants, accounting for 5.59%. The positive rate of viral hepatitis C was 902 cases, the detection rate was 0.93%. Among them, the unemployed and young people And pilots more incidence of male to female ratio of 2.70: 1, Urumqi nearly six years of viral hepatitis fluctuations, has shown a downward trend, indicating that the people’s awareness of the importance of disease prevention has been greatly improved. Conclusion The monitoring of port infectious diseases should focus on the unemployed, labors and traffic staff, strengthen medical inspection and publicity and education, improve the risk analysis system and the mechanism for predicting the epidemic, and prevent the transmission of various types of infectious diseases from the frontier ports.
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