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北京市总工会为帮助工人子女入学,在一九五○年秋季的一学期中,介绍了一万八千二百四十个工人子女进入市立中学或小学。由于解放前工人剥削或压迫,工人子女很少有入学的机会或无法保持经常学习,所以一般文化程度较低,通过入学考试较困难。上学期就有很多工人子女,因为考试成绩不好未能入学。去年秋年开始,北京市政府文教局接受市总工会建议,对工人子女入学攷试不及格时,採取降级录取入学的办法,并对已入学的工人子女给予优先申请减免学费或助学金的待遇。同时市人民政府增拨经费扩充班次,并将市立各校助学金名额由百分之二十增加到百分之四十,以增加工人子女入学的便利。于是市总工会劳保部即大量介绍工人子女入学。从去年六月到九月底,前后共介绍了入中学的新生一千零三十八人,编级生三十七人;小学程度的学生一万七千一百六十五人。 In order to help workers and children to attend school, the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions introduced a total of 18,240 workers and children into municipal secondary schools or primary schools during the fall semester of 1950. Due to exploitation or oppression by workers prior to liberation, workers and children have few opportunities to enroll or are unable to maintain regular studies. Therefore, they generally have a lower level of education and pass the entrance examination more difficultly. There are many workers and children in the last semester because they failed to attend the exam due to poor grades. Since the autumn of last year, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Education, Education and Manpower accepted the proposal of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and adopted a method of downgrading enrollment when failing to pass the entrance examinations for workers and children, and preferentially applied for the reduction or exemption of tuition or grants to the children of workers who have already enrolled. At the same time, the Municipal People’s Government increased funding for additional flights and increased the number of scholarships for all municipal schools from 20% to 40%, in order to increase the convenience of workers and children in schooling. So City Federation of Trade Unions Labor Insurance Department that a large number of workers and children into school. From June to the end of September last year, a total of 1,038 new entrants into secondary schools were enrolled, with a grade of 37 and a primary school of 17,165.
高贵、妩媚、性感……饰品,扮靓的元素,在你举首投足或回眸一笑之际,令你与众不同、顾盼生辉,散发出女性迷人的魅力,也给这个春天增添了无限的风情…… “Glorie——魅惑系
目的:探讨单次鞘内注射溶血磷脂酸(lysophosphatidic acid,LPA)对背根神经髓鞘相关糖蛋白(myeline-associated glycoprotein,MAG)表达的影响以及其作用机制;方法:实验1:C56雄性小鼠
最近我们到河北省的保定一中、四中,山西省的阳泉一中、二中,山东省的德州一中、二中,对助学金问题作了较全面的了解,特整理出来,供有关方面参考. 目前国家颁发的助学金数量
描述了云南高黎贡山毛茛科银莲花属1 新变种, 铁线莲属2 新种和毛茛属2 新种。