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在人类世界中,有许多事物拥有特定的象征意义,例如:汉民族把龙当作民族精神的象征,把红色当作喜庆的象征;西方把狮子当作勇敢精神的象征,把鸽子和橄榄枝当作和平的象征。古希腊神话中普罗米修斯的故事广为人知。普罗米修斯是一个先觉者,他知晓天神的种子藏在泥土中,便撮起泥土,塑成人类。他又摘取一枝茴香,伸到太阳车的火焰中将它点燃,带着这珍贵 In the human world, there are many things that have specific symbolic meanings. For example, the Han people use the dragon as a symbol of national spirit and red as a symbol of festive celebration. The West regards the lion as a symbol of bravery, and the pigeons and the olive branch As a symbol of peace. The story of Prometheus in ancient Greek mythology is widely known. Prometheus is a pioneer, he knew the seeds of God hidden in the soil, they picked up the soil, plastic into human beings. He took another branch of anise and set it on fire in the sun, bringing it preciously
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如果你再继续逢人就说这是互联网时代,那你的思维就已经落后于这个时代了,大数据继互联网金融之后,已经掀起了新的热潮。鄂尔多斯、武汉、贵阳……从北到南,从西到东,全国诸多城市都陷入了大数据狂潮。  随着大数据和云计算技术的实现,面向公众的各项智能化、信息化服务手段变得日趋丰富多样,为智慧城市建设插上了腾飞的翅膀,使得智慧城市的内涵围绕服务于人的核心在不断地延伸、拓展。那么发展基础本就不同的城市该如何发
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