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今年以来,新农村建设已成为各类媒体宣传的重点和热点,同时,面向“三农”(农业、农村、农民)的报纸也备受关注,各级党委和政府特别是宣传部门期望“三农”报纸在新农村建设中发挥更大的作用,“三农”媒体也期望借新农村建设的东风,改变多年来自身发展的窘境,为新农村建设作出积极的贡献。迅速崛起的都市报业和日益衰落的“三农”报纸近10多年来,我国报业发展迅速,报纸数量比1990年增长51%,但增长的主要是面向市民的晚报和都市报,在1993-1997年我国第三次报纸增长浪潮的五年间,新增的374种报纸中,晚报和都市类报纸占了60%以上,到2005年达到285种。而同期涉农报纸不增反降,2005年我国1926种报纸中,“三农”报纸仅有29张,天津等地还停办了农民报。 Since the beginning of this year, the building of a new countryside has become the focus and focus of various media campaigns. At the same time, the newspapers facing the “three rural issues” (agriculture, rural areas and peasants) have also drawn great attention. Party committees and governments at various levels, especially the propaganda departments, expect “three Agriculture, ”newspapers play a greater role in building a new socialist countryside. The“ three rural ”media also hope that with the new wind of the new countryside construction, they will have to change their own predicament for years and make a positive contribution to the new countryside construction. Rapid rise of the city newspaper and the declining “Sannong” newspaper In the past 10 years, the rapid development of China’s newspaper industry, the number of newspapers increased by 51% over 1990, but the growth is mainly for the public Evening News and Metropolis Daily in 1993 In 1997, the third wave of newspaper growth in China in five years, an increase of 374 kinds of newspapers, evening newspapers and urban newspapers accounted for more than 60%, reaching 285 in 2005. In the same period, there were only 29 newspapers covering agriculture, rural areas and farmers in 1926 newspapers in 2005 in China. In Tianjin, farmers’ newspapers were also closed.
CLT is an activity of aesthetic representation, in which the translators undertake analysis, synthesis, and reconstruction of the aesthetic qualities inherent i
利用分析方法,综合考虑传热、阻力的影响及不同形式能量在质量上的差异,结合实例对风机盘管机组进行了分析与评价。并依据提出的评价指标,进行了运行工况的优化分析。 Based
Walter Morel in Sons and Lovers is depicted as a vulgar collier and dead alcoholic who is indifferent to his wife and chil-dren, which would be explained by the