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历史就是过去的政治,而今天的政治就来源于历史,只有学好历史,才能认清历史发展的方向,才能确定正确的政治方向。我们应根据丰富、繁杂的历史内容,采取不同的方法达到对学生进行思想政治教育和国情教育的目的。 一、用引导的方法灌输和渗透 人类社会是不断发展,不断进步的。在历史教学中通过人类社会发展的讲述及人类社会进步的讲述,向学生灌输和渗透社会发展规律的教育,引导学生向前看。 在公元356年,秦国任用商鞅进行变法,使秦国成为诸候中实力最强的一个,为秦统一中国奠定了基础;北宋中期,统治者面临着严重的政治和财政危机。1069年,宋神宗任用王安石为参知政事进行变法。目的是通过变法,实现富国强兵,缓和阶级矛盾,挽救封建统治的危机。结果:通过变法,北宋的防卫力量有所加强,一定程度上限制了大官僚、大地主、大商人的盘剥,稍稍减轻了些农民的负担,稳定了北宋的统治。日本的明治维新,沙皇俄国的1861年改革,以缓和阶级矛盾,维持政权,通过改革,使俄国由封建社会走向资本主义社会。 History is past politics. Today's politics comes from history. Only by learning history well can we clearly recognize the direction of historical development and determine the correct political direction. We should adopt different methods to achieve ideological and political education and the education of our country according to the rich and complicated historical contents. First, instilling and infiltrating human society in a guiding way are developing continuously and continuously. In history teaching, through the narration of human social development and the progress of human society, it instills and infiltrates into the law of social development to guide the students to look forward. In 356 AD, Qin appointed Shang Yang as a method of change, making Qin become the strongest one among the allies and laying the foundation for the unification of Qin. In the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, the rulers faced serious political and financial crises. In 1069, Song Shenzong appointed Wang Anshi to become a political adviser to the government. The purpose is to realize the crisis of feudal rule through the change of law, the realization of strengthening the military power of the rich countries, easing class contradictions. Results: Through the change method, the defense forces in the Northern Song Dynasty strengthened to a certain extent, limiting the exploitation by big bureaucrats, landowners and big traders, slightly relieving the burden on some peasants and stabilizing the rule of the Northern Song Dynasty. Japan's Meiji Restoration, tsarist Russia's reform in 1861, in order to ease class conflicts and maintain power, through reform, make Russia from feudal society to capitalist society.
十余年来,北京经开投资开发股份有限公司总裁周世义带领企业,秉承可持续发展理念,倾力打造了一个又一个令人瞩目的低碳高端智慧园区。 For more than ten years, President
<正> 《妇女园地》(以下称《园地》)是《申报》副刊《自由谈》的星期日版,是以“女性思想的中心,女性团结的工具.女性运动的先锋”为目标的刊物。它在对社会问题中的妇女问题(旧习惯的因袭、堕胎、男女共学、就业问题等)的
[案例]  A公司是一家民营科技企业,业务涉及硬件维护、软件产品开发、IT服务外包等领域,从十年前的五个人发展到现有员工三百余人。人力资源运营总监李总加盟公司二年有余,内部管理改善、流程梳理对业务发展的作用也日益显现。但仍有一些问题需要解决:  老板是技术起家,管理层大都是跟老板一起打拼的技术出身,管理能力较弱;  老板总是冲锋在前,有事自己扛,导致管理层不能充分感受到市场的压力,对业务把握也缺乏