进入21世纪的青岛 IT 业最大的成就是什么?业内权威人士的看法是,这“最大的成就”,首先就体现在,逐步培养、造就了一大批既有浓厚本地化色彩的管理文化,又具备与国内一流厂商进行合作、竞争能力的优秀企业;其次则在于,青岛 IT 业已逐步跳出狭小的自娱圈子,跳出“几个人来几条枪”的作坊创业模式,并深度融入政府、社会与世界的大背景中,借助产业环境、政府扶持与资本市场的合力,在更高的层面上以最快的速度实现自我跃变。
What is the greatest achievement of Qingdao’s IT industry in the 21st century? The opinion of the industry authority is that the “greatest achievement” is firstly manifested in the gradual cultivation and creation of a large number of management cultures which are both highly localized and rich. With the first-class domestic manufacturers with excellent cooperation and competitiveness of enterprises; followed by lies in Qingdao IT industry has gradually jumped out of the narrow self-entertainment circle, out of “a few people to a few guns” Workshop mode of operation, and deeply integrated into the government, social and In the context of the world, with the aid of the combination of the industrial environment, government support and capital markets, self-transition is achieved at a higher level with the fastest speed.