The New West Lake in Autumn

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The West Lake in Hangzhou is now undergoing a two-phase expansion project. The eastern lakeside will present a total new face after the completion in the autumn this year and the west lakeside will claim a comeback of its previous territory on the west side.The eastern lakeside, which occupies a total area of 91,500 square meters, is composed of three major scenic sections: the northern hill avenue, the holy pond and the new lakeside. A zigzag avenue hugs the northern side of the lake. After the project, the avenue will retain its trademark plane trees, while flowerbeds, benches, lighting and pavement The West Lake in Hangzhou is now undergoing a two-phase expansion project. The eastern lakeside will present a total new face after the completion in the autumn of this year and the west lakeside will claim a comeback of its previous territory on the west side. eastern lakeside, which occupies a total area of ​​91,500 square meters, is composed of three major scenic sections: the northern hill avenue, the holy pond and the new lakeside. A zigzag avenue hugs the northern side of the lake. After the project, the avenue will retain its trademark plane trees, while flowerbeds, benches, lighting and pavement
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