
来源 :外国法制史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xifeng125
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在中世纪的欧洲,1215年的英国《大宪章》并非唯一,在中东欧各国也普遍存在类似的宪法性文件,同样构成贵族权力对王权的制约。但中东欧的大宪章却并没有保证这些国家的宪政成功,反而导致了压迫加剧和国家失败的结局。由此反思英国《大宪章》的成功,原因并不仅仅在于对王权的制约,还在于王权同时强大,构成了王权与贵族权力的平衡,也更有效地完成了国家整合的宪制目标。 In medieval Europe, the Great Magazin of 1215 was not the only one. Similar constitutional documents were also common in all countries in Central and Eastern Europe. It also constituted the restriction of aristocracy on the monarchy. However, the charter of Central and Eastern Europe did not guarantee the constitutional success of these countries. Instead, it led to the result of the intensification of oppression and the failure of the country. The reason for this reflection on the success of Great Britain’s Magna Carta lies not only in the restriction of the monarchy, but also in the fact that the monarchy is at the same time powerful and constitutes the balance of power between the monarchy and the aristocracy. It also accomplishes the constitutional goal of national integration more effectively.
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Personification of non-humans is best understood as a strategy of dealing with the uncertainty about the identity of the other,which moves the attribution schem
走两次才能迈出一步,一步还不足常人的三分之二。 Two steps to take one step, one step less than two-thirds of ordinary people.
电影《走出非洲》里,有一句旁白:“我曾在非洲有一个农场……”  如果有一天,我终于可以回忆了,我的开场白也许是:“我曾经有一个广播站……”  广播站在文科楼的一楼,那幢楼,是苏联专家留下的俄式老房子,有宽大的旋梯、木头雕花的扶手、狭长的木框窗户,地是水泥的,抹得异常光滑,做成青砖的样子,房顶很高,有三米还是四米?也许是十八岁的我还太矮小了。  楼前楼后,都是花园,丁香生长了有五十年以上,或许已经成