广东 以先进性教育活动为契机 开展军转安置工作新局面

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3月29日召开的全国军转安置工作电视 电话会议强调:要以保持共产党员先进性教 育活动为契机.以先进性教育的成果促进工 作的落实,以任务的完成检验先进性教育的 成效。这段论述对做好今年的军转安置工作 提出了新的更高的要求.也为军转工作者如 何立足本职岗位践行共产党员先进性要求指 明了方向。对军转工作者而言,践行共产党 员先进性要求,就是要紧跟形势.从思想上 确立做好军转安置工作就是做加强党的执政 能力建设、构建和谐社会、支持国防和军队 建设最实际、最直接的工作的新观念.进一 步增强政治意识、服务意识、协调意识和质 量意识.努力开创军转安置工作新局面。具 体讲,要做到以下四个方面: The teleconference of the national army resettlement on March 29 emphasized that we should take the educational activities of maintaining the advanced nature of party members as an opportunity. Promote the implementation of the work with the achievements of advanced education and test the effectiveness of advanced education with the completion of the task. This essay puts forward new and higher requirements for doing a good job in this year’s military relocation. It also points out the direction for the military transition workers to base themselves on the post requirements of practicing the advanced nature of Party members. For military workers, the requirement of practicing the advanced nature of Party members means keeping up with the situation. Establishing ideologically the work of resettling demobilization and rebuilding is a new concept of strengthening the building of the party’s ability to govern, building a harmonious society and supporting the most practical and direct work in national defense and army building. Further enhance the political awareness, service awareness, coordination and awareness of quality. Strive to open up a new situation in military relocation. Specifically, to achieve the following four aspects:
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闽南风光,四季怡人。 7月中旬,南京军区驻闽某通信团又在东 南某海域拉开了一年一度的海上大练兵活动。 在这波澜壮阔的海练图中,该团执勤站 的女兵们也巾帼不让须眉,苦练游
几乎在每一座营区,总有几个健康的脑袋 甘愿束手待毙地让推剪或剃刀歼灭成不毛之地。 哪座营区里没有光头,似乎和没有枪一样让人 感到不自在。 Almost every camp area, there
潜艇,水怪般的身躯,黝黑的肤色,令许多人望而生畏;在水下, 它雷霆般的速度,凌厉的攻势,让对手不寒而栗。然而,在“伺候”它们的“兵保姆”眼中,这个挺着圆圆大肚皮、竖着尖尖
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