
来源 :广西城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linbingzhao123
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目前,我国正处于全面建设小康社会的发展阶段,城乡建设速度和规模均达到空前水平,同时也引发了严峻的生态环境问题和能源资源问题。相关数据显示,我国每年城乡新建房屋面积近20亿平方米,其中80%以上为高耗能建筑,建筑总能耗 At present, our country is at a stage of development in building an overall well-to-do society. The speed and scale of urban and rural construction have reached unprecedented levels. At the same time, they have also caused serious ecological and environmental problems as well as energy and resources problems. Relevant data show that China’s annual urban and rural new housing area of ​​nearly 2 billion square meters, of which more than 80% of high energy-consuming buildings, total building energy consumption
介绍了降低新干线集电系统噪声和车辆下部噪声的对策,以及采取对策后取得的降噪效果。 The countermeasures to reduce the noise of the Shinkansen current collecting sy
介绍了俄罗斯铁路货车18-578型转向架的改进及线路动力学性能试验。 This paper introduces the improvement of railway 18-578 bogie and the test of dynamic performanc
介绍了西西伯利亚铁路局运用的、乌拉尔车辆厂2004年—2005年生产的、装用18-578型转向架的敞车,因发生故障而摘车的506辆车的事故情况。 Introduced the case of an accide
为模拟综采面坚硬顶板弱化现象,在实验室预制了150 cm×30 cm×30 cm和200 cm×20 cm×20 cm 2种不同尺寸的混凝土试块,进行了2种不同孔径和孔深的深孔静态破碎试验。通过对
GM/RT2141(2000年10月)本文件规定了牵引机车、车辆和轨道运输设备的设计要求,以确保有足够的阻力防止由轮缘爬轨造成的脱轨和由超速行驶导致的倾覆。本文件属于Railtrack PL