1982年以来,吕梁地区的小流域治理打开了一个新的局面。目前,正以生态农业为目标,对千山万壑展开全方位,大面积综合治理开发。我们的主要做法和粗浅体会是: 一、以整治山河为使命,一任接着一任实干,坚持常抓不懈吕梁地处晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区,全区总面积8150万亩,山区丘陵面积占92%,水土流失面积占68%,年均入黄泥沙1.68亿吨,占全省入黄泥沙量的45.9%。严重的水土流失,造成生态环境恶化,自然灾害频繁。据史料记载,从明嘉靖七年开始的400多年内,全区共发生特、大、中旱灾73次平均5年多发生一次。1951—1987年的37年中,共发生大旱灾12次,每3年发生一次。全区仅
Since 1982, the management of small watersheds in Luliang has opened up a new situation. At present, the goal of eco-agriculture is to develop comprehensive and large-scale comprehensive management of all-inclusive mountains and valleys. Our main practices and superficial experience are: First, to rehabilitate the mountains and rivers as a mission, one served as a hardworking, persevere often grasp Luliang is located in western Shanxi loess hill and gully area, the total area of 8150 mu, the mountainous area accounted for 92% The area of soil erosion accounted for 68% of the total, and the average annual input into the Yellow Sediment was 168 million tons, accounting for 45.9% of the total amount of the Yellow Sediment in the province. Severe soil erosion, resulting in deterioration of the ecological environment, frequent natural disasters. According to historical records, within 400 years since the start of Ming Jiajing in seven years, a total of 73 special, large and medium droughts have occurred on average over five years in a total of one year. In the 37 years from 1951 to 1987, a total of 12 major droughts occurred every three years. The whole area only