
来源 :电脑采购周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herozerg
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大家想必对去年内存市场的跌宕起伏还记忆尤新,戏剧性的暴跌暴涨刺激着众多商家与买家的神经。今年的内存市场自春节过后价格就开始走低,目前内存价格已经接近去年的最低价位,虽然IT界的“摩尔定律”告诉我们不必为产品价格的降低而惊讶,但经历过去年内存市场洗礼的人们仍不免担心今年会再次重现那种大起大落的情形。那么今年的内存市场走势究竟会如何呢?请看本刊的分析。 Everyone must have remembered the ups and downs of the memory market last year. It is also particularly reminiscent of the dramatic drastic surge that has stimulated the nerves of many businesses and buyers. This year’s memory market has started to decline since the Spring Festival. The current memory price is close to the lowest price of last year. Although the “Moore’s Law” of the IT industry tells us that we don’t have to be surprised by the decrease in product prices, people who have experienced the memory market in past years Still can’t help worrying about the kind of ups and downs this year. What will happen to the memory market this year? Look at the analysis of this issue.
这款笔记本电脑价格低廉,性能优秀,适合普通消费者使用。 This laptop is inexpensive and has excellent performance and is suitable for ordinary consumers.
UMAX Astra1600扫描仪特点很突出,一推出即受到业内瞩目。它独有的扫描技术再配合多功能的扫描软件,令它特别适合SOHO族用户使用。而它的扫描质量也能令专业用户满意。 The
这款性能表现出众的电脑产品,采用了笔记本电脑现在最高档的硬件配置,完全可以作为一款高端台式替代型笔记本电脑。 This outstanding performance of computer products, u
精英的这款主板以高集成度成为它最大的特点,也使它成为家庭用户的不错的选择。 Elite’s motherboard has become its biggest feature with high integration, making it
这款定位于中档的笔记本电脑具有良好的系统稳定性。虽然外形比不上S-Body那么时尚,但传统、端正的银灰色ABS塑质外壳设计,仍不失为一款经济的选择。 This mid-range notebo
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