An improved practical model for wear prediction of revolute clearance joints in crank slider mechani

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hngyssh
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A stationary clearance link algorithm(SCLA)for calculating the reaction-force of revolute clearance joints in crank slider mechanisms is proposed in this paper.The SCLA is more efficient than other algorithms of the same accuracy.Furthermore,based on the Winkler foundation model,an unsymmetrical Winkler foundation model and a double elastic layer Winkler model are proposed.By integrating a dynamic model and the unsymmetrical Winkler foundation model with Archard wear model,an improved integrated wear prediction model is also generated.A series of experiments have been performed to compare with the predicted analysis data,and the results showed a good agreement.As a real industry application,with the double elastic layer Winkler model,the integrated wear prediction model was successfully used to predict the wear depth of the joint bearing(bimetallic bearing)for the cantilever crane of a concrete pump truck of Sany Heavy Industry. A stationary clearance link algorithm (SCLA) for calculating the reaction-force of revolute clearance joints in crank slider mechanisms is proposed in this paper. SCLA is more efficient than other algorithms of the same accuracy. Future, based on the Winkler Foundation model, an unsymmetrical Winkler foundation model and a double elastic layer Winkler model are proposed. By integrating a dynamic model and the unsymmetrical Winkler foundation model with Archard wear model, an improved integrated wear prediction model is also generated. A series of experiments have been performed to compare with the predicted analysis data, and the results showed a good agreement. As a real industry application, with the double elastic layer Winkler model, the integrated wear prediction model was successfully used to predict the wear depth of the joint bearing (bimetallic bearing) for the cantilever crane of a concrete pump truck of Sany Heavy Industry.
真正厉害的人不是那种自己厉害的人,而是使厉害的人为他工作的人。刘备这样的领导是真正厉害的人,曹操这样的人不行,嫉妒杨修,就把杨修给杀了,以曹操的才华,他如果有刘备的胸襟的话,三国根本就没有,就只有一国。曹操绝对是一世枭雄,但就是认为自己太强了,所以嫉妒,看到比他强的人就怀疑。  在这一点上,我研究了黄光裕、马云、李嘉诚、比尔·盖茨、福特等企业家,我突然发现一个问题,这个世界上最厉害的人恰恰都是那些
在今天留存世间的古迹当中,多的是宫殿庙宇和陵墓。在生产力远不发达的古代,能够倾一国的财力物力人力来修建的,除了皇家贵胄生时所居和死后所葬以外,就数寄托着人们信仰 A
介绍采用振动的方法检测球墨铸铁球化质量的理论根据,阐述快速无损检测系统的组成,关键部分的结构、原理及主要参数的选择,并简要介绍了检测方法。 The theory basis of detect