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国家统计局做出判断:我国社会总需求紧缩已经到位。这一判断是国家统计局国民经济平衡统计司联系近几年我国的供需情况和1990年上半年的实际经济运行,对上半年的总供需平衡情况进行测算后得出的。其依据是:1.1990年物价上涨幅度呈回落趋势;2.银行货币回笼增加;3.从市场销售情况看,下半年,尽管社会商品零售的下降幅度在减少,但还没有变为正增长,市场仍然处于疲软状态。其根本原因是最 The National Bureau of Statistics makes a judgment: The total social demand in China is already in place. This judgment is obtained by the National Bureau of Statistics’ National Bureau of Balance and Statistics of the United States in connection with the supply and demand situation in China in recent years and the actual economic operation in the first half of 1990, after calculating the balance of total supply and demand in the first half of the year. The basis is: 1.990 prices showed a downward trend; 2. The bank’s currency withdrawal increased; 3. From the perspective of market sales, in the second half, despite the decline in the decline of social goods retail sales, it has not yet become positive growth. Still in a weak state. The root cause is the most
《国际贸易问题》创刊至今已有15个年头了,我与《国际贸易问题》联系也整整6年了。6年来,尽管我的身份一直在变化, The issue of “International Trade Issues” has been
自营出口一年以来,我们主要做了4件事: 1.制订对外经营战略,建立、健全面向国际市场的经营机构。在经过多次的市场预测基础上,我们制订了对外经营战略,实现“三个转变”。即