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“名家”开栏的话: 我们生活的这个时代,是一个需要“名家”的年代! 名家“读”时代,我们“读”名家!名家们经年历久甚至是倾其一生的专门思考,向读者展示着系统的独到探索或独创思想的璞玉之美,启迪中国企业家以及城市管理者进行更高层次的思考。“中外名家系列讲座”由国务院国资委研究中心、中外名家研究院主办,涉及广泛,以经济学、管理学为主,囊括人文科学、自然科学等各个领域,听众多为企业界人士。自2001 年9月开办以来,已先后邀请100多位国内外“名家”就当今世界和中国社会经济发展中的重大问题发表演讲,反响日隆。为了更好展现中外名家的思想,本刊特与国务院国资委研究中心合作,倾力推出“名家”专栏,刊登名家智思和“中外名家系列讲座”相关演讲内容。让读者也能聆听智者的声音,把握时代的脉搏! ——编者 “Famous” to open the words: We live in this era is a need “famous” era! Famous “read” era, we “read” famous! Famous people after a long time or even devoted their life’s special thinking, to readers Showcase the beauty of the original jade with unique exploration or original ideas of the system, enlighten Chinese entrepreneurs and city managers for a higher level of thinking. The series of lectures by famous Chinese and foreign famous people are sponsored by SASAC Research Center of the State Council and famous Chinese and foreign famous institutes. They cover a wide range of fields, mainly in economics and management, covering various fields such as humanities and natural sciences, and listeners are mostly businesspeople. Since its establishment in September 2001, it has invited over 100 “famous experts” both at home and abroad to deliver speeches on the major issues in the world and China’s social and economic development. In order to better show the thoughts of famous Chinese and foreign celebrities, we cooperate with the State Council SASAC Research Center and endeavor to launch the “Famous” column, publishing the contents of the relevant lecture by the famous intellectual and “Chinese and foreign famous series lecture”. Let the reader can also listen to the voice of the wise, grasp the pulse of the times! - Editor
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